For the past two weeks, Grand Hotel patriarch Santiago Mendoza has been learning a very valuable lesson: when you’re being blackmailed by a shady moneylender, who also happens to run one of Miami’s most dangerous criminal organizations, don’t antagonize her by showing up at her place of business and above all never say no to one of her demands.
But, tonight the czarina of corruption learns a valuable lesson of her own: your abused underling can only be pushed so far before he finally snaps. Below are the top five OMG moments we absolutely loved from the latest episode of Grand Hotel entitled Art of Darkness. Find out if our awesome moments match your own.
Nothing Left To Lose
After learning her ex-husband did indeed embezzle $50 million from his clients – and hid the money in an account under her name – Gigi (Roselyn Sanchez) agreed to accompany Felix (Adrian Pasdar) to his Bahamas estate. But while Santiago (Demián Bichir) feared she had abandoned him for greener pastures, Gigi only had revenge in mind.
After drugging Felix, she withdrew the cash and presented her current hubby with the funds he needed to pay off Teresa and reclaim his hotel. Later, a dejected Felix, knowing he has lost to Santiago one again, placed a disturbing call to Yoli (Justina Adorno) – “He should have killed me when he had the chance. Would you tell him I said that, sweetheart?”
The Fear of God
Teresa (Katey Sagal) was decidedly unimpressed with Mr. and Mrs. Mendoza’s insistence that she accept a lump sum repayment and exit the Riviera Grand. Instead, she lets it be known that the debt can only be repaid in installments, and she will continue to use the hotel anytime and in any way she sees fit.
When Santiago begs Mateo (Shalim Ortiz) to intervene, the frightened errand boy gives him some tough advice: “You can’t win against Teresa…there is no getting out. Just make your peace with it.”
Precious Cargo
When is a charity art auction not really a charity art auction? It’s when the displaying of million-dollar sculptures is merely a cover for rich and lecherous men to bid on, and purchase, victims of human trafficking.
Thanks to an undercover Danny (Lincoln Younes) and his perfectly placed wire, the police are able to bust Teresa’s operation and free her female captives. Much to Danny’s chagrin, none of the women have seen or heard mention of his sister.
Just as the police raid her gathering of perverts – who are congregated in the Mendoza’s penthouse suite of course – Teresa is spirited away by Mateo. She apologizes for ever doubting his loyalty but when she insists that he must go into hiding with her, Mateo has an apology of his own. When Teresa wonders what he has to be sorry for, Mateo produces a gun and shoots her.
After hearing about the mysterious room on the sixth floor from Carolina (Feliz Ramirez), Javi (Bryan Craig) goes to investigate and suddenly remembers an incident from his childhood where his mother (appearing to suffer a manic episode) woke him in the middle of the night and rushed him into the room.
While perusing a family photo album, Alicia (Denyse Tontz) had an even more disturbing recollection about the area in question. As a young girl (Ava and Grace Scarola), she watched Santiago and Gigi force a frightened Beatrice (Eva Longoria) back inside the room after she had tried to escape its confines.

Video Credit: Law&Order:SVU
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