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Days of our Lives Spoilers Weekly Update January 13-17: Rachel’s Missing, Lady Whistleblower’s Caught

The week ended in chaos across Salem!

Paulina, Kerry, and Sarah on Days of our Lives with the Soap Hub logo across the bottom.Secrets are unraveling in Salem.

Days of our Lives spoilers for the week of January 20-24, 2025, tease the aftermath of Rachel’s runaway and Leo’s big discovery.

Weekly Recap

Monday, January 13, 2025, Episode #15030

Philip (John-Paul Lavoisier) called Kate (Lauren Koslow) to try and do damage control now that Stephanie (Abigail Klein) knows the truth about the letter. Stephanie revealed the truth to Sarah (Linsey Godfrey). Sarah went to Titan and confronted Philip and Kate, who convinced her to keep the truth from her husband. Maggie (Suzanne Rogers) gave Xander (Paul Telfer) advice for working alongside Philip. Chad (Billy Flynn) ran into Cat (AnnaLynne McCord) and found out she’s staying in Salem with Felicity (Kennedy Garcia). Steve (Stephen Nichols) and Kayla (Mary Beth Evans) ran into Marlena (Deidre Hall) and she told them what Cat shared about Greece. Over lunch at the pub, Marlena vented to Steve about missing her husband, while Kayla comforted a heartbroken Stephanie after running into her at the hospital.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025, Episode #15031

Leo (Greg Rikaart) arrived at Abe’s (James Reynolds) to inform him he plans on bringing Hattie’s (Deidre Hall) character back from the dead, then got an idea on how to lure out Lady Whistleblower. Kerry (Derek Yates) vented to Javi (Al Calderon) about his love for Body & Soul and how the show’s reboot isn’t as good as the original. EJ (Dan Feuerriegel) caught Arnold (Galen Gering) in the mansion and he refused to leave. Shawn (Brandon Beemer) welcomed JJ (Casey Moss) to the Salem PD on his first day back. Gabi (Cherie Jimenez) arrived to bring JJ the money he accidentally left at her house and they did some more flirting. Jada (Elia Cantu) shared her concerns about Rafe (Galen Gering) with Shawn and he suggested she called Steve. When she did, Steve told her he never sent Rafe on a case and Jada realized it was EJ who told her that, not Rafe. She showed up at the mansion and questioned EJ when Arnold walked in.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025, Episode #15032

Leo showed up at Rafe’s and was greeted by Javi, who was wearing an “I Love Rochester” hoodie that Kerry gave him They were just getting friendly again when Leo noticed Javi’s hoodie, but left without saying anything. After Arnold appeared in the mansion, he posed as Rafe and EJ lied about sending Rafe on a case to find Sloan (ex-Jessica Serfaty). At Titan, Xander made Philip a peace offering because he promised Maggie (Suzanne Rogers) he’d try and get along with him. Meanwhile, Sarah admitted to Stephanie that she didn’t tell Xander the truth and asked Stephanie to keep the secret. Later, Sarah assured Philip that neither her nor Stephanie would say anything as long as he doesn’t work against Xander.

Thursday, January 16, 2025, Episode #15033

Tate (Leo Howard) offered Holly (Ashley Puzemis) some make-up flowers, then Doug III (Peyton Meyer) showed up. When Tate left, Holly gave Doug III the money to pay his debt. After Rachel (Finley Rose Slater) was caught breaking into the drawer to get her phone, Kristen (Stacy Haiduk) revealed she’ll be going to therapy. Rachel fought it at first, then agreed before deciding to pack a bag and run away. After Brady told Ava that Rachel is the texter, Ava suggested they break up in order to help Rachel, but Brady insisted they keep seeing each other. Meanwhile, Leo told Abe the identity of Lady W, then got a visit from Marlena and he confided in her about Javi being behind it all. After Kerry vented to Gabi about Javi’s friendship with Leo, Gabi urged Javi to end things with Leo not to risk losing Kerry. Instead, Javi asked Kerry to respect his friendship with Leo just as Leo and Marlena showed up and learned that Kerry is from Rochester.

Friday, January 17, 2025, Episode #15034

After learning that Kerry is from Rochester, Leo asked if he and Marlena could join them for lunch, where he lied about an upcoming B&S storyline. Later, Kerry jumped to sharing the spoilers as Lady W, and when Leo saw it, he barged in on Javi and Kerry in bed to announce that Lady W had been caught. Kristen interrupted Brady and Ava when she revealed that Rachel was missing. Tate met Sophia (Madelyn Kientz) at the hospital for her doctor’s appointment and sat in for the ultrasound, where they heard the heartbeat. Holly gave Doug III the money to pay off his debt and insisted she join him to meet with the man, but he refused. But when she followed him, they were both approached by the man and Doug III paid him off. Later, she went to the square and noticed Sophia and Tate bonding and asked to see their ultrasound photo.

Week Ahead

Soon, in Salem, Leo unveils a truth while Sarah struggles to hide another.

Next Week’s Breakdown

Monday, January 20, 2025, Episode #15035
Leo accuses Kerry in front of Javi.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025, Episode #15036
EJ lays out his plan for Arnold.
Sarah covers the truth with Kayla.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025, Episode #15037
Jada questions Kerry.

Thursday, January 23, 2025, Episode #15038
Marlena asks Steve to contact John.

Friday, January 24, 2025, Episode #15039
Rachel has a strange encounter.

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