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Days of our Lives Spoilers Preview: The Body & Soul Slasher Is Revealed

Is the slasher done slashing?

Days of our Lives spoiler photos for the February 5, 2025 episode with the Soap Hub logo across the bottom.It's all coming to an end!

Days of our Lives spoilers photos for February 5, 2025, episode tease the climax to the Body & Soul slasher!

Scenes From Salem

After Johnny (Carson Boatman) mysteriously falls ill, Chanel (Raven Bowens) will take him to the hospital, where Sarah (Linsey Godfrey) will have more than one patient to tend to. Seth (Bruce Beatty) will also become ill just as the person behind B&S’ bad luck is revealed.

READ THIS: Here’s what’s coming up on DAYS.

Standing in front of the Xed photos of the cast is B&S superfan Whitley (Kim Coles, who returns to DAYS). It looks like she’ll be confronted by Abe (James Reynolds), who she’ll hold a syringe to. But it looks like Paulina will save the day, most likely by sticking Whitley with the syringe. And Whitley winding up in a bed.

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