It’s hard to figure Peter out on General Hospital. And no, we don’t mean the whole there is no way he could be Anna and Faison’s son and no way she would have never mentioned it before part.
One minute he is making goo-goo eyes at Maxie (Kirsten Storms) and lamenting how he’s never been in love before, and the next he is messing with people’s brains and plotting with Valentin (James Patrick Stuart) and getting husbands killed. Do fans prefer Peter (Wes Ramsey) as a lover or a baddie? What we heard from almost 8,000 of you!
General Hospital Poll Results: The World Loves a Lover
Aw, poor Petey, 54% of the audience sighs in sympathy. His only problem is that he didn’t get enough love in his childhood. And his teen-hood. And his practically middle-aged-hood. All Peter needs is the love of a good woman, and his sociopathic tendencies will just melt away like spun sugar on the tongue.
He’s not really bad, he was just raised that way. You can’t wait for the moment when Peter’s crimes, like Sonny’s (Maurice Benard) and Jason’s (Steve Burton) and Franco’s (Roger Howarth), will be forgiven and forgotten and his love life is all that matters.
Let’s Be Bad
Keep him evil, 46% of General Hospital fans counter. Port Charles needs a true baddie to always keep the pot stirring, and neither Obrecht (Kathleen Gati) nor Valentin is the villain they used to be.
Peter should focus on raising hell, not raising kids. Let him and Robert (Tristan Rogers) really go head to head, and bring Anna back to settle this darn maternity question once and for all.
As soon as Peter learns he’s not hers — God willing — it should turn him even more to the dark side. Which is where he belongs. General Hospital (GH) airs weekdays on ABC. Check your local listings for airtimes.

Video Credit: General Hospital
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