Not knowing whether or not you’ve given birth sounds implausible, but Finola Hughes is pulling this storyline off with her usual finesse as her General Hospital character Anna Devane wonders if she truly is the biological mother of Peter August.
If she is Peter’s (Wes Ramsey) mom, then that means Anna has given birth to the son of Cesar Faison (Anders Hove) — a fact that doesn’t sit well with every GH fan. Yet the dramatic implications run pretty deep and is giving Hughes great material to play.
The Emmy-winning actress was asked at the recent General Hospital Convention if she would prefer that Anna or her twin Alex (also played by Hughes) turns out to be Peter’s mother.
“It’s really up to the writers,” Hughes said as she thoughtfully weighed in with her own feelings on the subject. “I think it would be better if it were Alex, in a way. Then, Anna can move forward without that [being] part of her history. I think a lot of the fans might want that.”
Currently, Anna has gone off to see her twin while the actress enjoys a real-life vacation. Her goal in Anna visiting Alex is to send “a warning shot over the bow.”
Hughes is hoping that upon her return to Port Charles the tale is further explored. “It’ll be good to get [more] into that story.”
Getting to act with herself (so to speak) in scenes that Anna and Alex are both in can be challenging.
“I have major anxiety about [them],” Hughes revealed. “Ultimately, what happens is we have these directors who know how to shoot twins. It becomes quite technical. You kind of get through it. I have to say it’s the directors and the dialogue [that makes it work]. There’s a person who plays your other half. [She’s] wonderful.”
Would you prefer to see Anna or Alex as Peter’s mom? Sound off in the comments below!
General Hospital airs weekdays on ABC. Check local listings for air times.

Video Credit: General Hospital
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