On today’s Days of our Lives, Jada Hunter asked the question that a legion of fans has wanted an answer to for quite some time.
Days of our Lives Recap Highlights
In addition, Gwen (Emily O’Brien) made an unappreciated play for Xander (Paul Telfer), a fed up (yes, already) Alex resorted to tattling, and Paulina (Jackée Harry) disillusioned Chanel (Raven Bowens). Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what exactly happened.
Jada Hunter Wants Clarification
Rafe (Galen Gering) had a command for worker bee Jada (Elia Cantu): go get some lunch. On the double! Jada wondered if Rafe wanted to join her, but noting Abe’s (James Reynolds) office just handed down a “no fraternizing” dictate, he passed.
Jada pointed out that partners eat out together all the time. You can’t exactly call that “fraternizing.” Plus, didn’t she and Rafe just enjoy burgers and beer together on Valentine’s Day?
READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on Days of our Lives.
That wasn’t anything sordid or sexual. Heck, it wasn’t even a date. Just (lonely) colleagues keeping one another company. Unless Rafe was under the impression that it was a date. Was he under the impression that it was a date?
Rafe didn’t think so, at least not at the time, anyway. But just to be safe, and, “as much as I enjoyed our evening, I just think it’s best that we don’t do it again.”
Rafe hoped that Jada understood — and hoped that she wasn’t offended. Jada wasn’t…and she does understand. She understands that Rafe no longer wants to socialize with her outside of office hours and that he wants to make sure there’s no confusion about their relationship — but Jada is a might bit confused.
Does Rafe want their relationship to be something more? Is it possible that he has feelings for her? You know, those types of feelings? Before being forced to answer one way or another, Rafe was saved by the arrival of Jada’s heretofore unmentioned sister Talia (Aketra Sevillian).

Jada was thrilled by the sight of Talia and her assumption that baby sis was there for a visit, but she wasn’t exactly pleased to learn that Talia intended to stay in Salem for the long haul — or that Talia intended to move herself into Jada’s cramped quarters. At least Talia had job prospects.
After the kin parted, Jada expected to pick back up where she and Rafe left off, then thought better of it. Rafe was more than appreciative, especially seeing as Abe, of all people, was trying to reach him on the telephone.
DAYS Recap: Hot Off The Presses
It’s a banner day for the toilers at The Spectator. As relayed to Gwen (Emily O’Brien), the paper’s numbers are, “up 20% since last week, and not just news sale stands…online traffic as well…subscriptions are through the roof,” and, joy of joys, they’ve outsold The Intruder!
Finding this cause for serious celebration, Gwen pulled mopey, lovelorn Xander in for a snog — that’s British slang for a big sloppy kiss — then quickly realized that she wasn’t being thanked for doing so.

Setting The Record Straight
After catching sight of Chad (Billy Flynn) in the Brady Pub, Leo Stark (Greg Rikaart), in his official capacity as Lady Whistleblower, sauntered on in and inquired as to the “musical chairs situation in [Titan’s] executive suite.”
Unamused, Chad stuck to the party line: after an exhaustive search, Victor (John Aniston) chose to install Maggie (Suzanne Roger) as Chief Executive Officer, and the board is behind her all the way.
Undeterred, Leo pushed for the real story. The story is chock-full of “backstabbing, double-crossing, [and] betrayal.” Chad hedged. And blanched. And then he wound up admitting that Leo — and his salacious coverage of Alex’s *ahem* indiscretions with Allie (Lindsay Arnold) and Chanel — was the reason that Alex didn’t get the job.
“Victor passed over Alex because he’s a man whore,” wondered Leo. No comment! When Stephanie (Abigail Klein) arrived, Leo peppered her with questions. Had Alex (Robert Scott Wilson) been cheating on her? Was it his threesome that proved to be the final nail in their relationship’s coffin?
No, and no, bellowed Chad, who proceeded to let slip the role Alex played in keeping Stephanie from being by Kayla’s (Mary Beth Evans) side during her “final hours.” Stephanie did not thank Chad for the outburst. In fact, after bum-rushing Leo out the pub’s door, she raked him over the coals for airing her private business.
Chad apologized for his “blurt.” Sincerely. But what he refused to do, was apologize for disliking Alex — and boy, does he dislike Alex. Furthermore, he’s not sorry that Alex lost the CEOship.
Stephanie asked Chad if he just tried to sabotage her firm’s relationship with their biggest client because he was jealous. Chad insisted that that wasn’t the case.
“Well, it sounds like that’s what you meant,” groused Steph, adding, “But if you didn’t, you should figure out how to communicate more clearly. Might come in handy since you work in P.R.”
DOOL Recap: Descension In The Ranks
In an effort to get Titan running more efficiently, Maggie has decided to shutter Bella Magazine, which is a considerable blow to Alex. He wondered if Maggie really thought it through. After all, what about the staff, or Victor’s opinion. The publication was named in honor of his daughter, after all. He even went so far as to ask if Maggie knew that.
Maggie does know…and she doesn’t rightly care whether or not Victor approves. She’s the one calling the shots now. As for the staff, they’ll be gifted very generous severance packages. Though still inclined to put up a fight, Alex took his leave of Maggie when Xander came in and headed for the park.

Stephanie chanced upon the sulking hunk and queried the reason for his mood. Upon being apprised of the situation, Steph suggested that Alex change Maggie’s perspective. “Right now, Maggie sees ‘Bella’ as a liability. Make her see it as an opportunity — a very lucrative one.” Stephanie encouraged Alex to fight for it if that’s what he wants.
Back at Maggie’s office, with no sign of Maggie, Alex realized that there was yet one thing that he could do: call up Victor, tell him what Maggie intends to do, and spin it to his advantage.
Gwen Worries, Xander Is Given A Boost
Earlier, though, at Titan HQ, Xander asked Maggie to submit to an interview about her ascension to the throne, and she happily obliged.
After a preliminary chitchat, and the scheduling of an in-depth profile for a later date, the two got down to some serious straight talk. Maggie’s sorry that it didn’t work out for Xander and Sarah (Linsey Godfrey). Truly. On the other hand, Maggie’s not thrilled that Xander wrestled control of The Spectator away from her family — yes, she’s cottoned on to the subterfuge! — or that he’s associating with Gwen. Then again, it’s his life.
Over at The Spectator, Gwen berated herself for attacking Xander “like I was a dog in heat.” Leo insisted to his gal pal that in no time flat, “the man of your dreams is going forget about the woman who got away and focus on the beautiful woman in front of him.”
Gwen hoped that her good buddy was right, and she was even more hopeful that that was exactly what an arriving Xander had come to tell her.

DAYS Recap: Impulse Control
Chanel was horrified to learn from Paulina that their respective bank accounts had been frozen and that she’d be unable to afford the extra helping hand that she so desperately needed. When a beaming Talia greeted her, job application in hand, Chanel readied to let her down gently…then hired her on the spot!
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