Remember that time on Days of our Lives when Hope pumped Stefano full of lead and then kinda sorta buried what she assumed was his dead body? And remember the fact that she never really did pay for nor do more than a few months of time for the crime? Dr. Rolf remembered. And Dr. Rolf isn’t happy about it.
Days of our Lives Poll Results: Hope or Gina?
Having already given a second life to the likes of Vivian, Tony, Will, and Jack, the graduate of what we assume to be Frankenstein University decided that it was time to reactivate his one great obsession. It’s just too bad for Hope that said obsession is with Princess Gina, who resides inside a microchip situated somewhere in the back of her noggin.
A little knock-out juice, an extra sharp scalpel, and a few sutures are all it takes to flip the Princess Gina switch to on and in no time flat, Hope was lathering on the garish lipstick, craving a Marlboro Light, and robbing the DiMera mansion.
But, while Rolf seems to be giddy as a schoolboy at his crush’s return, what do fans think about the recent turn of events? Soap Hub asked if you were happy to have Princess Gina back onscreen and we got over 4,000 answers to the query.
Thumbs Down
Over 80% of you said that Princess Gina should go take a running jump. You absolutely hate the character – the lip color is too bold, the accent is atrocious, and the tiara is definitely overkill. The sooner this plot point is put to bed, the happier you will be.
Riding the Fence
A smaller 14% of Days of our Lives fans merely shrugged your shoulders and said, “Eh. It DAYS.” No matter what craziness this show throws at you — amnesiacs winning Mayoral elections, hijacked pacemakers, possessed psychiatrists who morph people into panthers — you’re going to stick with it — thick and thin.
Days of our Lives: Joy of Joy
A much, much smaller 6% gave Hope’s alter ego the thumbs up. Many of you who threw your support behind Princess Gina’s return did so because you’re just excited to see Kristian Alfonso in a story — any story.
Still, others are simply excited by the reappearance of Her Royal Highness because you know that when the Princess is in the house, there’s not going to be a dull moment. Days of our Lives airs weekdays on NBC. Check your local listings for airtimes.

Video Credit: dool flashbacks
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