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Y&R Recap: Old Summer Returns Amid A Roller-Coaster Ride

Will old Summer end up ruining things on Y&R?

the young and the restless recap for august 9, 2023, has summer on a literal roller-coaster ride.The old Summer Newman is back.

The Young and the Restless recap for Wednesday, August 9, 2023, brings a literal roller coaster for Summer as she welcomes the return of her old self.

Young and the Restless Recap Highlights

Also in this episode, Chance (Conner Floyd) takes a raincheck with Summer. Daniel and Lucy hear wise words from Mariah. Heather advises Phyllis not to change her plea. Phyllis throws herself at the judge’s mercy, while Christine stands firm in her sentencing recommendation. Now let’s dig deeper into what went down.

Young and the Restless: Roller Coaster

Lucy (Lily Brooks O’Briant) showed up to surprise Daniel (Michael Graziadei), and he was shocked that neither she nor Heather had mentioned it. However, Lucy just wanted to be cool and enjoy time with her dad, whom she said she was checking on.

The father/son duo ran into Mariah (Camryn Grimes) and Aria at Chancellor Park. Lucy explained that she wanted to check on her dad, and Daniel tried to say he was fine. However, he admitted it had been a tough time, but he was working on being a better father and a better man. He no longer had the time and energy to make the same mistakes repeatedly.

Lucy asked Mariah if she knew her Aunt Summer, and based on Mariah’s response, Lucy realized Mariah wasn’t a fan. Mariah admitted she was Team Kyle. Even so, Mariah had some words of wisdom for both Daniel and Lucy. Mariah left, and Lucy asked to see Phyllis. However, Daniel suggested that they wait a while. Lucy worried she wouldn’t get to see her during the trip, but he assured his daughter that she would.

READ THIS: Find out what happens next on The Young and the Restless.

At the GCAC, Summer (Allison Lanier) talked to Chance. She wasn’t quite sure she wanted to open up, but he talked her into it since they were friends. Summer explained that she was on the verge of a breakthrough, and she saw everything differently. She’d accepted that she couldn’t change Phyllis. Summer felt liberated after a fight with her mom.

Chance didn’t quite buy that Summer had changed, but she said she felt good like the “old Summer.” She felt reckless, and she thought perhaps she needed to ride an actual roller coaster. Summer invited Chance to come with her. Chance asked for a raincheck, though. Summer ended up on a roller coaster by herself, joyfully screaming at the twists and turns.

Young and the Restless Recap: Have Mercy

Phyllis (Michelle Stafford) threw herself at the mercy of Judge Linda Franklin (Ros Gentle). Heather (Vail Bloom) tried to get Phyllis to wait a moment, but Phyllis changed her plea to “guilty” against her counsel’s advice, and Christine (Lauralee Bell) sat by as Phyllis explained what led to her actions.

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Phyllis begged the judge to understand that she was a victim of Jeremy Stark (James Hyde), and she tearfully begged for mercy. The judge asked Christine if she felt differently about the sentencing recommendation, but the District Attorney did not think Phyllis’s explanation changed anything. Heather pointed out that Christine had a history with Phyllis.

The judge encouraged Phyllis to say what she thought her sentence should be, and after hesitation, Phyllis said she’d already paid a steep price for what she’d done. She wanted the opportunity to make things right with her children and others outside of a jail cell. Phyllis promised if she had the chance, she’d be a better mother and person.

Later, at Society, Heather said Phyllis’s plea to the judge seemed sincere, and Phyllis laughingly asked her to tell her kids that. Heather related Phyllis’s actions to what she saw with Daniel when he pushed them away and went down a dark hole, but he ultimately came out.

Y&R Recap: Sentencing

Christine ended up at the bar at the GCAC, and Chance joined her. She relayed that Phyllis had taken a plea deal, and now the judge was choosing Phyllis’s sentence. They discussed the situation. Christine also relayed that she’d heard from Paul, and he wanted to talk about their future, but it didn’t seem positive.

Chance wondered how Christine wanted things to go with Phyllis, and the DA admitted she was torn. She wanted Phyllis to pay for her crimes…for once, but she also wanted what was best for Phyllis’s kids. Christine was notified that the judge was ready, so she left to find out the sentence.

Phyllis, Heather, and Christine returned to the judge’s chambers. The judge let Christine know that she rejected her recommendation. She sentenced Phyllis to six months of community service and one year of probation. Should Phyllis mess up, then she’d go to jail.

As they left, Christine said, “You have been given a gift. Don’t squander it.” Phyllis said she wouldn’t. Heather noted it was over, but Phyllis said, “Not yet.”

The Young and the Restless airs weekdays on CBS. For an in-depth look at the show’s history, click here.

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