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Phyllis Summers Vows To Make The Gala ‘A Party They Never Forget’

The Y&R recap for Wednesday, March 22, 2023, brings Summer’s words pushing Phyllis to the edge.

young and the restless recap for march 22 has phyllis summers pushed to the edgePhyllis Summers makes a vow about the gala.

The Young and the Restless recap for Wednesday brings Phyllis Summers making a deal with the devil…er…Jeremy Stark in her quest for revenge against Diane.

Young and the Restless Recap Highlights

Plus, Diane and Jack decide to tell Genoa City their engagement news during the gala after Kyle (Michael Mealor) gives his parents his blessing. Mamie returns “home,” and she’s welcomed by Jack and Billy. Devon and Lily end up leaving arbitration at Jill’s request against the advice of Christine and Amanda. Chelsea and Daniel make more plans for their gaming platform while Abby runs into a not-too-happy Amanda at Crimson Lights. Now let’s dig deeper into what happened.

Y&R Recap: Phyllis Summers Makes A Deadly Vow

Phyllis (Michelle Stafford) showed up at Jeremy’s (James Hyde) hotel room, and she ranted about Diane’s (Susan Walters) engagement to Jack (Peter Bergman). She vowed not to allow it to happen as she cried about losing her daughter over it.

Jeremy absolutely used Phyllis’s rage to egg her into moving forward with their plan, and he suggested they make their move at the gala. He pointed out that the masked ball would allow him to work his magic in secret.

READ THIS: Find out what happens next on The Young and the Restless.

Phyllis wasn’t so sure that Jeremy wouldn’t be seen, though, and he promised he’d keep an eye on her. Phyllis got a text from Summer that left her in tears, and Jeremy worried she’d had a change of heart. “Are you in or out,” he asked. Phyllis said her entire life would change because she’d have to keep the biggest secret ever. Instead of answering Jeremy, Phyllis left.

phyllis summers and jeremy stark discuss their plan in his hotel room on the young and the restless recap.
Phyllis Summers and Jeremy Stark talk revenge on Diane.

At the Abbott house, Jack returned with Diane’s dress for the gala. Jack was enthused about all the people who’d returned for the event. He proposed that they tell the news of their engagement at the gala. Diane reluctantly agreed and told Jack about Phyllis showing up and leaving. Jack assured Diane that they were safe and deserved their happiness.

Diane did want to ensure that Kyle (Michael Mealor) was on board with everything. Of course, Jack believed Kyle would get on board. The doorbell rang, and Jack opened it to Mamie (Veronica Redd).

“Welcome home,” he said.

mamie is surprised to see jack and diane back together on young and the restless.
Mamie is surprised to see Jack and Diane Jenkins back together.

When she walked in, Mamie made a crack about nothing changing, but she was shocked to see Diane. Ultimately, Diane left to let the two visit. They spoke about Dina (Marla Adams) and forgiveness. Mamie also noticed Jack was in love, and he admitted it was Diane. She supported Jack despite the naysayers. After all, love and happiness are all that matter.

Mamie remembered back to when Diane lived in the Abbott mansion with Jack in earlier times. Even back then, Ashley didn’t approve of Diane. Billy (Jason Thompson) walked in, yelling for his brother, and he was thrilled to see Mamie. They hugged, and she told him he had his father’s eyes. Mamie asked about Jill, and Billy filled her in.

Jack returned, and Mamie went upstairs after she said, “Feels like home.” Billy wondered if his brother knew that Mamie was coming for the gala, but Jack didn’t. He also let Jack know he was ready to work with him at Jabot — it felt like the right time for him. Jack noted that Billy seemed changed since hanging around Chelsea. After they talked, Jack said, “Welcome home, Billy,” and the brothers hugged.

Diane met up with Kyle at Society. She updated him that Jeremy never left town, and Kyle wasn’t pleased to hear Phyllis had teamed up with “a monster.” He made sure to get word to Summer to let her know. After Kyle and Diane finished talking about Jeremy, she brought up her engagement to Jack. Kyle suggested that they discuss it with Jack too.

Billy wanted to talk about work, but Jack asked him to hold onto the thoughts, and Billy wondered what was going on with his brother. Kyle and Diane walked in, and Billy left. Kyle let his parents know that he was happy for them and when all was said and done, he gave them his blessing.

Phyllis met Summer (Allison Lanier) downstairs at The Grand Phoenix at the bar. Summer was furious at her mom for lying about Jeremy leaving. She wanted to know if Phyllis was working with Jeremy, and Phyllis reminded Summer that she was her mother. However, Summer wasn’t okay with Phyllis using her, but Phyllis said she did everything to keep Summer safe.

Summer said that it wasn’t love, that Phyllis had traumatized her, and she wanted her mom gone before somebody got hurt. Phyllis went back upstairs, and with shades of the old Phyllis Summers shining through, she told Jeremy, “I’m in. Let’s do it. We’re gonna make this a party they never forget.”

Who's in the most danger at the gala?

Young and the Restless: A New Hope Dashed

Lily (Christel Khalil), Amanda (Mishael Morgan), Devon (Bryton James), and Christine (Lauralee Bell) returned to arbitration, and Ms. Shannon cautioned them not to interrupt again. Amanda presented the document Devon had signed, and Jill (Jess Walton) barged in. Jill declared she could solve the whole mess without Ms. Shannon’s help.

christine, devon, lily, and amanda sit at the arbitration table.
Christine, Devon, Lily, and Amanda Sinclair are ready to proceed.

Jill proposed a mini break so that she could explain things, and she told Devon and Lily it was urgent and possibly future changing. Devon wanted to know what Jill wanted, but she suggested that the attorneys weren’t required anymore. Ultimately, they agreed to talk to Jill, and she left with Lily, leaving Amanda and Devon face-to-face.

Devon called her out for tearing him down, and Amanda said Devon didn’t understand anything. She took the blame for failing to choose a good man. Amanda said she’d never seen him cheating with Abby coming, and she also reminded him how brokenhearted he was when Elena cheated on him with Nate. Ultimately, Amanda hated remembering how deeply he’d hurt her, but she was thankful that she knew the truth about him. Amanda left, and Devon looked chagrined.

Jill and Lily went to Society, and Devon showed up, taking a seat. She announced that she’d reached a mutually beneficial decision. Jill declared the Initial Public Offering was dead, and the company would remain a private entity. She hoped Devon would change his mind since the IPO was his sticking point.

Devon didn’t know how he could work with Lily after all that had been said and done. Lily pointed out that her brother had done plenty, and Jill demanded that they stop. She wished they could go back in time, but Devon didn’t see how he could ever work with her and Lily again.

Y&R Recap: A Whole New World

At Crimson Lights patio, Chelsea (Melissa Claire Egan) and Daniel (Michael Graziadei) talked about her plans for the platform. They bonded over being raised by difficult mothers, but Chelsea thought they could still create something that changed the world one player at a time, and Daniel agreed.

daniel and chelsea talk about their new project.
Daniel and Chelsea Lawson talk about their gaming platform plans.

Daniel declared it an honor to work with Chelsea. He left, and Billy walked in. Chelsea greeted him with a smile, declaring she was a world-maker, and Billy let her know he was headed back to Jabot. She felt things would be great for both of them.

On the patio, Abby (Melissa Ordway) texted Devon about arbitration, and Amanda walked in giving Abby a pointed stare.

The Young and the Restless airs weekdays on CBS. For an in-depth look at the show’s history, click here.

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