A round of applause for The Young and the Restless: They fooled us! We thought Nate was meeting with Amy’s long-lost son, Damian, when, in reality, it was someone only pretending to be Damian—while in cahoots with the real Damian. Damian is playing Nate the way Y&R played us. Good for them both! Now, after watching the February 4 episode, we can only hope there is even more to his dastardly plan.
I Knew It All Along
Real Damian (Jermaine Rivers) told Fake Damian (Nathan Owens) he has no idea why Nate (Sean Dominic) would be going so out of his way—including pretending to be considering Damian for a job—to reunite Damian with his mother, Amy (Valarie Pettiford). He speculated that it might have something to do with his mother once having worked for Nate’s father, but he’s completely in the dark.
MORE: Find out what happened on Y&R today.
Two Steps Ahead
But if Real Damian went to the trouble of getting a guy to lie to Nate, why couldn’t he also be lying to the guy he went to the trouble of getting to lie to Nate, too.? After all, two can keep a secret if one of them is dead.
And Damian isn’t in the mood for killing—or dying. What he might be in the mood for, though, is getting what he thinks he’s owed.
READ MORE: Here’s what’s next on Y&R.
Right to Live
What if Damian had figured out that he and Nate were brothers and that Amy had kept Damian from his real father—and his real father’s money? What if Damian figures Nate owes him a good chunk of the family fortune? And that the best way to get it is to make Nate think he doesn’t believe their relationship until Nate can think of no other way to prove that they’re brothers than by handing over a big chunk of his holdings. As a show of good faith?
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