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Here’s How Bold and the Beautiful’s Daphne Rose Is Like a Batman Villain

Daphne Rose’s modus operandi is very similar to a Batman villain, and she could be known as a nefarious character called The Nose.

The Bold and the Beautiful's Daphne Rose with the Soap Hub logo across the bottom.The Bold and the Beautiful's Daphne Rose could very well be a comic book villain with her nefarious use of scents to get what she wants.

Fans are well aware that The Forresters are very unhappy on The Bold and the Beautiful. Carter pulled a fast one and stole Forrester Creations right out from under them and has grand plans to take the fashion company in a new direction. But Steffy has enacted a scheme and called out the big guns in the form of Daphne Rose, who seems to be like something right out of a comic book.

Perfume Is Her Weapon of Choice

Daphne Rose (Murielle Hilaire) is very mysterious and slinks around as if she knows something that no one else does. Known as the most famous nose in Paris, she seems to have stepped right out of a Batman story. A good friend of Steffy’s (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood), Daphne was called in to “deal” with Carter (Lawrence Saint-Victor) and help The Forresters regain Forrester Creations.

Her plan is to seduce Carter, thereby causing a rift between him and Hope (Annika Noelle), which would undermine their hold on the fashion company. From the moment Daphne entered her first scene, it was clear that the perfume she wore influenced everyone in the room. She even recently tried to get Carter to make a move on her by spraying two different perfumes on each side of her neck and letting him get close enough to catch the fragrances, under the guise of him deciding which one Forrester would sell.

READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on B&B.

She’s Like Poison Ivy

Carter explained that with the scents of the perfumes in the air, it was hard for him to concentrate. This implies that she might have put some kind of pheromones in the perfume, causing him to fall under her spell. We could see her as a villain called The Nose doing the same thing to Batman in the comics, much like the villainous Poison Ivy, who used pheromones to not only seduce the caped crusader but also prevent him from attacking her and even submitting to her will.

It’s clear that The Nose is doing the same thing here. She’s using her perfumes to dull Carter’s senses and get him to submit to her wishes. Hope walked in just as Carter was taking a whiff of Daphne’s neck, presumably breaking Daphne’s hold on him. But if The Nose keeps it up, she may very well seduce Carter into submission and her sinister plan will come to fruition. (Find out how Daphne helped Hilaire find her inner confidence.)

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