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3 Controversial Bold and the Beautiful Pairings

Finn and Poppy isn’t B&B’s first controversial pairing.

The Bold and the Beautiful characters Ridge, Bridget, Rick, Phoebe, Thomas, and Brooke; with the Soap Hub logo.B&B has had many controversial couples over the years.

The Bold and the Beautiful again has created controversy. The revelation that Poppy slept with her adopted nephew Finn, and possibly gotten pregnant by him, has sparked fan outrage. Yet, this isn’t the first time the show’s experimented with a taboo couple.

Ridge And Bridget

When it comes to B&B’s most controversial pairings, Ridge (Thorsten Kaye) and Bridget (Ashley Jones) top the list. During Bridget’s childhood, Ridge believed he was her father. However, a DNA test later revealed Eric (John McCook) was her dad, thus making Bridget and Ridge half-siblings.

When Bridget became an adult, the writers decided to retcon Ridge’s paternity, having him be Massimo’s (Joseph Mascolo) son. With Bridget and Ridge no longer blood-related siblings, they fell in love. The relationship was met with disapproval from their family and from fans. The new couple shared a few kisses but didn’t take it any further. Ridge and Bridget’s relationship ended as quickly as it began, and since then, there’s been no attempt at rekindling their romance.

Rick Pursues His Former Niece

B&B has a history of pairing non-blood-related family members together. In 2007, Rick (Jacob Young) pursued a romance with his former half-niece Phoebe (MacKenzie Mauzy). Their love story was reminiscent of Romeo and Juliet since Phoebe’s family disapproved of their relationship.

Despite Ridge and Stephanie’s (Susan Flannery) attempts to end the romance, Rick and Phoebe continued seeing each other. However, the couple later broke up, and Phoebe left to embark on a musical career. When she returned a year later, she discovered Rick had seduced her mom and twin sister Steffy (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood). An angry Phoebe confronted Rick during a car ride, and a distracted Rick crashed, resulting in Phoebe’s death.

Did Brooke Cross The Line With Thomas?

These days, Brooke (Katherine Kelly Lang) has a hateful relationship with her stepson Thomas (Matthew Atkinson). However, at one time, B&B toyed with a romance between the two.

In 2011, Brooke and Thomas grew closer while working on a men’s fashion line called Taboo. Thomas stunned everyone at a fashion show when he kissed his stepmother. Although Thomas did it for publicity, his family was concerned about him and Brooke.

Things took a drastic turn when a plane crash stranded Thomas and Brooke on an island. While on the island, they ate berries that caused them to hallucinate that they slept together. When they were finally rescued, Brooke was tormented with the guilt she and Thomas might have had sex. Thomas confessed that he and Brooke were intimate. However, Stephanie concocted a lie to break up Ridge and Brooke.

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