Trying to watch our soap operas has seemed like an Olympic sport the last two weeks as Impeachment hearings dominated daytime television and soaps were either shown at night, online, or just delayed a day. And then sometimes delayed again.
Impeachment Daytime Drama
Five days of hearings and more than a dozen witnesses told their story and sometimes that seemed like a soap opera itself, especially with the president tweeting through so much of it, making the day even more soap-like because one never knows what he’s going to say.
While these have been historic moments that future generations will learn about in history class, we still want our soaps, right — whether online or on TV? Soap Hub asked if impeachment hearings should interrupt soaps and you definitely had opinions as more than 10,000 readers responded.
Give Us Our Soaps
Absolutely not say a whopping 94% of you who want your soap operas on when you expect them. You feel this is not like Watergate or even Iran Contra days when the 3 broadcast networks were all we had to get our historic news as it happened.
We now have three major 24-hour-a-day cable news stations showing the impeachment hearings, as well as PBS and C-Span. Also, many news and websites streamed the impeachment hearings online, so people at work were able to watch. Basically, it’s 2019 and most of America has access to other means of viewing impeachment hearings aside from ABC, NBC, and CBS.
At least Days of Our Lives made the show available online and on the NBC app at night, while The Bold and the Beautiful and The Young and the Restless used CBS All Access is all markets were preempted.
Soap Operas Can Wait
Then again, 5% of you did think impeachment hearings were worth interrupting soaps for, citing their historical significance and pointing out the soaps can wait or would be available online.
Another 1% of fans offered us some comments, including that they think the eventual impeachment trial in the Senate is more important, so this fan will accept interrupted soaps for that. Others said they just want the president impeached already while another fan thought the networks can air highlights during The Talk or Let’s Make a Deal, but nope, not her soaps.
Video Credit: kerster22
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