Video Credit: Law&Order:SVU
Olivia Benson went through hell and back to adopt her son, Noah, on Law & Order: SVU, including having to deal with his biological father, sex trafficker Johnny D. (Charles Halford).
In this flashback video, a worried Benson (Mariska Hargitay) asks Barba (Raúl Esparza) about whether or not she has to tell Johnny he’s the biological father of Noah. She doesn’t want anything to go wrong.
“Johnny D was a major trafficker, probably bought and sold every girl who’s been put to work in New York. And then he raped them to break them in. Look I haven’t slept…. Just tell me that he doesn’t have to know,” Benson says. Watch the clip above to see the emotional moment.

Video Credit: Law&Order:SVU
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