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Days of Our Lives Recap: A Very Weird Week In Salem

Days of Our Lives RecapDays of Our Lives Recap

The Days of Our Lives recap for October 14 – 18 features Hope Brady in crisis, Nicole making a very stupid decision and some bad news for Julie Horton and her new ticker.

Days of Our Lives Recap: Weekly Highlights

Last week, Hope (Kristian Alfonso) found herself drugged into unconsciousness and experimented on by Dr. Rolf (William Utay) — Salem’s very own Frankenstein (the physician, not the monster). Since then she has been experiencing all the classic symptoms that signal the return of her evil alter Princess Gina.

And surely it’s a bit apropos that the greatest of the manifestations has always been a sharp twinge in the back of her noggin right around the neck area. Because let’s face it, Princess Gina is a real pain in the neck.

It might be her clipped, aristocratic accent or her penchant for garish lipstick but the character has always been a bit much. She’s best doled out in small doses like the (now) annual Halloween episode or when a fellow Salemite meets her on the way to glory (like Marlena Evan’s recent trip to the great beyond).

And one would think that after all these years any time that Fancy Face starts exhibiting strange, uncharacteristic behavior her friends and family would just automatically know that some nutcase has flipped the switch on that microchip in her head that somehow activates Salem’s answer to Natasha Fatale. But, then again, people in this town aren’t exactly smart.

Secret Keeper

Take for instance Nicole (Arianne Zucker) whose curiosity has landed her in some serious hot water now that she and Xander (Paul Telfer) both know that Sarah (Linsey Godfrey) is pregnant with Eric’s (Greg Vaughn) baby. (Although she had sex with Rex the day before she had sex with Eric.)

Xander begged, demanded, and schemed to get his ex-wife to stay quite and despite her better judgement it does appear that Nicole is going to keep this secret all to herself. Because that has ALLWAYS worked out well for her in the past.

Brains, Beauty, Intelligence

However, there is one person whose always on the ball and her name is Kate DiMera (Lauren Koslow). She knew exactly what was happening when Mr. Shen hired Tony (Thaao Penghlis) behind her back to helm DiMera Enterprises while she recuperating,

As she explained to Victor (John Aniston) it’s just another case of an unprepared man taking the job of a very qualified woman. And Kate certainly has qualifications. Victor knows it too and that’s why he asks her to take over Titan.

Brady (Eric Martsolf) pissed him off for the last time over this whole Kristen (Stacy Haiduk) debacle so he’s ready to ditch his grandson and put someone with brains and talent in the top spot. But will Kate bite at the opportunity?

Days of Our Lives Recap: All For Naught?

Joy of joys! Julie (Susan Seaforth Hayes) was out of surgery and responding to her new anti-rejection medication so the transplant looked like a complete success. The family rally around her and rejoiced at her recovery – but the celebration was short-lived.

A complication — bradycardia — had arisen and Kayla (Mary Beth Evans) revealed that Julie’s best option for survival is to be fitted with a state of the art pacemaker. Gabi (Camila Banus) was thrown for a loop to hear that her sacrifice of Stefan might have been for nothing but then she realizes that she once again holds Julie’s life in her hands.

The much-ballyhooed pacemaker is actually the intellectual property of DiMera Enterprises — one of the many projects Stefan greenlit. She returned home and placed a call to the manufacturers.

Mistakes Happen

Just before Victor’s pizza-carrying assassin could follow through on his contract to off Jordan (Chrishell Hartley), Vic received a call from Ben (Robert Scott Wilson) revealing that his sister was actually innocent of the hit and run that nearly killed Ciara (Victoria Konefal). Kiriakis called off the hit. “For now.”

Days of Our Lives Recap: Weekly Musings

Though it was nice that Hope name-checked Belle, Shawn, and Scotty as family members that were contacted and …continue reading on the next page —>

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