With Stefano gone — but never forgotten — there’s an opening for Most Menacing Days Of Our Lives Villain…of the moment.
We’ll let the women… Kristen (Stacy Haiduk)… Vivian (Robin Strasser)… Jordan (Chrishell Hartley)… Eve (Kassie DePaiva)… fight it out among themselves in a separate poll.
For now, this one is for the boys (hat-tip: Bette Midler), and the nominees are: Victor (John Aniston) and Dr. Rolf (Will Utay) Which one of them did almost 9,000 fans vote the bigger threat to Salem’s happiness?
Days of Our Lives Poll Results: The Doctor Is In
Stefano (Joseph Mascolo) may have been able to come back from the dead. Again and again and again. But Dr. Rolf can bring people back from the dead, which may be a better skill. Again and again and again. Obviously, he’s the one we should be on the lookout for, 56% of the audience advises.
The guy is not only brilliant, but he’s also crazy brilliant. And he’ll sell his crazy brilliance to the highest bidder. Heck, he’s not even against running errands for Xander (Paul Telfer) in order to keep Sarah (Linsey Godfrey) in town…for a price. A bad boy with no morals about what he will and will not do is a much bigger danger than someone with an actual agenda.
Victor Takes It All
A slightly smaller 44% of Days of Our Lives fans voted for Victor. He has an agenda. He has many agendas. Sometimes, it’s hard to sort through them all.
Does he want his company to succeed? Or does he want to use it to control folks like Brady (Eric Marstolf), Sonny (Freddie Smith), and Kate (Lauren Koslow)? Does he care if it fails, as long as Victor gets to make his point?
And what’s the deal with Maggie (Suzanne Rogers)? He loves her? He can take her or leave her? He’ll do anything for her? He’ll sacrifice her happiness for his? That’s not a villain. That’s a waffler. Days of our Lives (DOOL) airs weekdays on NBC. Check your local listings for airtimes.

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