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A Critic’s Review Of Days of our Lives: Weak Whodunit & Spooktacular Outing

The author’s opinions on DAYS are his and his alone. They’re suitably scathing, fairly humorous, and normally bang on target.


When it comes to Days of our Lives, every fan has their own opinion – and Soap Hub is no different. For five days, we sat and watched the good, the bad, and everything in between, and now we offer you a handy review and a cheeky critique of the Days of our Lives week that was.

Days of our Lives: The Critic’s POV

I’ve coped to a (perhaps slightly unhealthy) love of murder mysteries in this column before, but I’ve got to tell you that the DAYS has me stumped with their latest whodunit.

Isn’t the whole point of one of those to make you wonder WHO did it? I mean, where was the setup? Where were the suspects making threats and storming off into the evening on their lonesome? Who is even in the running to be Li’s (Remington Hoffman) assailant?

Gabi’s (Camila Banus) a red herring if there ever was one, and Stefan (Brandon Barash) was otherwise engaged. Ditto EJ (Dan Feuerriegel) didn’t seem to leave his new bride’s side in the lead-up to Li’s stabbing. So that leaves us with….who, exactly? Megan (Miranda Wilson)? Rolf (Richard Wharton)? That Xiao-Xing we’d never heard of before the writers decided they needed to make Li more appealing in the lead-up to his death?

With a premise as weak as this, I’d much rather turn off my TV and play a couple of rounds of Clue or crack open a Christie.

Further DAYS Musings

* As groan-inducing as the Everett/Gabi “Haven’t I seen you somewhere before” shtick was, at least we now know that the former is supposed to bear no resemblance to the latter’s former leading man/tormentor and can move swiftly on.

* Clearly, Stephanie (Abigail Klien) was nowhere near as enamored of Everett (Blake Berris) as he was of her, because what kind of romantic partner just assumes that they had been ghosted and huffs off rather than, oh, I don’t know, phoning local hospitals or filing a missing person report at their local police station? It would be different if these were teenagers sucking face and having a good time, but these were settled professionals living in a home together.

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* I know that pregnancy brain is a real phenomenon, but did Nicole (Arianne Zucker) not even clock that Holly (Ashley Puzemis) wasn’t in the green taffeta dress that she insisted her daughter wear?

Speaking of Holly, could she really not have thought to name ANYONE other than EJ as her crush? You’d think the daughter of Nicole Walker could think better on her feet. (And will Tate [Jamie Martin Mann] ever learn to keep Holly’s confidence? How many more times can he screw that simple task up?)

* Memo to the Script Writers: EJ’s Christian name isn’t Elvis Junior, it’s Elvis Aaron. Also, you mean to tell me that with a mother like Susan (Stacy Haiduk) EJ had never heard of, let alone consumed a pig in a blanket? And before anyone asks, yes, they do serve them up in England just like they do here.

* So, it only registered to Chad (Billy Flynn) that Abigail would want him to move on when Nicole said it, but not Abigail herself? What was even the point of her making the trip down from Heaven if she was just going to be so summarily ignored?

* While it wasn’t my favorite of the annual spooktacular outings — I’m partial to the long-ago Rosemary’s Baby pastiche — I appreciated Tuesday’s episode for the dumb fun that it was meant to be, and for the effort DAYS put into celebrating the holiday, something you can’t say about two out of four sudsers.

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