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Ridge Forrester Jr.  Comes Home To Los Angeles

B&B recap for Friday, April 21, 2023: Will he give the next generation a run for their money?

the bold and the beautiful recap for friday, april 21, 2023,Ridge Forrester Jr. soaks up the attention lavished upon him.

On today’s The Bold and the Beautiful episode, Ridge Forrester Jr. received quite the welcome from his parents.

Bold and the Beautiful Recap Highlights

In addition, Bill (Don Diamont) struck his claim on Katie while Sheila Carter (Kimberlin Brown) assured Deacon (Sean Kanan) that she harbored no ill will toward him. Quite the contrary in fact. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what exactly happened.

Ridge Forrester Jr. Is Back, Possibly For Keeps

There was a bit of confusion going on at the main gate at Forrester Creations. Despite Ridge (Thorsten Kaye) being present and accounted for inside the building, someone out there was apparently claiming to be him and attempting to infiltrate the facility. But have no fear, Charlie (Dick Christie) was on the case!

Soon the confusion was cleared up. It wasn’t a Ridge impersonator at all. Instead, it was Ridge’s namesake youngest, RJ (Joshua Hoffman)! Cue the celebration and the big bear hugs, and the plethora of questions. Why is RJ there? How long is he staying? What’s he up to? What’s his latest project? Why didn’t Brooke (Katherine Kelly Lang) apprise Ridge of the boy’s presence?

READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on Bold and the Beautiful.

The last one was an easy answer. Brooke’s none the wiser. And a number of the other queries could be answered if only Ridge would tune into RJ’s vlogs — a fact which the younger pointedly pointed out to the elder.

Opposite RJ gifting Ridge his favorite licorice — and from Denmark no less — Brooke bemoaned RJ’s absence to a sympathetic Hope (Annika Noelle) who good-naturedly wondered whether she was Brooke’s prized child for staying close to home. [The answer, though not given, was clearly yes!]

Soon mother and son were reunited, and the first thing Brooke wanted to know was how long RJ intended to stay. The answer? For the foreseeable future. The allure of the nomadic lifestyle the youngster has been living has seemingly begun to wear thin.

B&B Recap: Stuck In The Middle

Across the hall, Bill suggested that Katie (Heather Tom) was hesitating on taking him up on his dinner conversation because Carter was in the room, and she didn’t want to hurt his feelings. Katie denied the charge and insisted that she was hedging because she didn’t want to give Bill “false hope” of any kind.

“Carter and I have a really good thing going on here, and I am not going to disrespect that or him,” she went on to add, only for Bill to protest that Carter didn’t seem the kind afraid of a little “friendly competition.

And he’s not. Not in the slightest. “Katie can spend time with and have meals with anyone she wants. She knows how much I care about her, and I know how much she cares about me, and I want to continue having her in my life.”

Bill was hardly swayed. Actually, he threw the fact that he and Katie share a son together in Carter’s face and promised [warned?] that he’d get Katie back once he proved that she’s the only woman in the world for him.

Will Deacon help Sheila get out of prison?

Sheila Carter Holds No Grudge

At county lockup, Sheila promised Deacon that she didn’t hate him. And how could she, in light of everything he did for her? Not that she’s not sore about him getting to “roam his life free” while she’s stuck inside the hoosegow, but she can deal with it. And believe it or not, she truly wants Deacon to be happy.

Also, she’s not holding any grudges or onto any illusions. She knows the score. “I may end up spending the rest of my life here. So you go. You go, and you live your life. Don’t wait for me, Daddy.”

The Bold and the Beautiful airs weekdays on CBS. For an in-depth look at the show’s history, click here.

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