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Y&R Recap For November 30: Billy And Lily Reach An Uneasy Truce

These two have been at odds lately — are they on the same page now? Find out.

Y&R recap for Wednesday, November 30, 2022

The Y&R recap for Wednesday, November 30, 2022, brings serious talks, distraction, new possibilities, and so much more. You won’t want to miss a moment of this episode.

Y&R Recap Highlights

Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson) and Lily Winters (Christel Khalil) addressed the elephant in the room while Chelsea Lawson (Melissa Claire Egan) continued battling her demons. Adam Newman (Mark Grossman) continued pleading his case to Sally Spectra (Courtney Hope), but once again, she chose Nick Newman (Joshua Morrow) over him. Nick took Victoria Newman (Amelia Heinle) to task over Nate Hastings (Sean Dominic) while Nate asked Elena Dawson (Brytni Sarpy) to make a big change. Now let’s take a deeper look at what happened.

Young and the Restless Recap: Fight Club

Billy and Lily ran into each other at Crimson Lights. She had plenty of snarky things to say to her boyfriend about him being there, and she presumed he was there to check up on Chelsea. Lily wondered if Billy worried that Chloe Mitchell Fisher (Elizabeth Hendrickson) would take his place as Chelsea’s main confidant. Ouch.

Billy admitted he stopped by for a coffee only and hadn’t spoken with Chelsea. He asked Lily to stay and talk. Billy revealed that he felt bad about their argument and how it escalated. Lily agreed, and she let him know that his calling her petty over Chelsea in their earlier argument was very hurtful. Lily expressed her concern that Chelsea occupied Billy’s thoughts where she used to. He apologized and offered her his undivided attention…once he got Chelsea through her problems.

Y&R Billy and Lily

Lily appreciated Billy’s apology, and she said she wasn’t convinced that Billy’s only motivation was to try to help Chelsea. Ultimately, it all came down to Lily wondering what Billy was searching for because that was why he’d quit Chancellor-Winters. Billy admitted that he hadn’t had time to search, and Lily said she felt that Billy didn’t want her involved in his search, but he denied it.

Y&R Recap Chelsea

As for Chelsea, she tried to sleep, but she continued hearing the negative things everybody said to her leading up to her breakdown. She suddenly sat up, yelling at them to stop. She sent a text to Lily and asked to talk. Downstairs, Lily got Chelsea’s message and seemed surprised she’d reach out.

Y&R Recap: Clearing The Air

Adam expressed his great sorrow over the way he recently handled things with Sally. She listened to him over drinks at Society, but Sally wasn’t quite sure she could forget all of Adam’s misdeeds. Adam expressed his disappointment, but he sounded reasonable. He even backtracked on what he’d said to Sally about Nick’s (lack of) feelings for her. Ultimately, Adam said the reason they should be together had absolutely nothing to do with Nick — he felt that he and Sally belonged together.

READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on Young and the Restless.

Sally couldn’t understand why Adam continued to do what he did, and he confessed that he loved her. She gave him a list of how everything everybody had warned her about him came true. He declared that they were each other’s love of a lifetime, but Sally accused Adam of torturing her.

Adam said he saw all of Sally, and he said that she’d never trade excitement and passion for safety. He said Sally deserved more than that. He pointed out that she never gave him a real answer to his proposal, but she said she thought she’d been quite clear. Sally spied Nick walking into the restaurant, and she left Adam to greet him. Nick turned around and noticed his brother and the two men shared a significant look.

Y&R Nick and Sally

Sally and Nick sat at a table, and she was full of chatter about her plans. However, Nick only really had eyes for Adam, and Nick let Sally know that her small talk didn’t distract him from whatever else happened. Adam walked over and said goodbye to Sally and thanked her for clearing the air earlier. Nick wanted more details, but Sally wasn’t quite willing to give them, and Nick wondered how she felt about Adam’s proposal.

Sally didn’t want to answer, and she said she was all talked out about Adam. Nick let her know that if she ever wanted to return to the subject, he would be willing to talk. They discussed Thanksgiving, and Nick reminded her he’d invited her to come with him, but she said she enjoyed her solo time on the holiday.

Earlier at Newman Enterprises, Victoria and Nick clashed over her hiring Nate. She didn’t appreciate that her brother didn’t support her new hire. Nick didn’t back down, though. He warned Victoria that she was at risk, given the type of man Nate is becoming, especially after he’d nearly thrown his family under the bus.

Victoria explained to her brother that Nate’s behavior wasn’t the negative that Nick thought. Instead, she felt it was a positive, so Victoria asked Nick to support her. Nick wasn’t easily swayed, and he brought up Victoria firing Sally again, which she didn’t appreciate.

Later, Victoria went to Crimson Lights. Billy was sitting alone after Lily left, and he took Victoria to task over what she did with Nate, using him as a mole to infiltrate Chancellor-Winters. Victoria didn’t want to hear it, and she expressed her surprise that Billy even cared.

He reminded his ex-wife that the company meant a lot to his girlfriend and mother. Billy noted that Victor Newman (Eric Braeden) must’ve been proud, and Victoria declared that Katherine Chancellor (Jeanne Cooper) would’ve been proud too. Billy didn’t buy it, but she reminded him that Kay had left Victor controlling shares of her company. Again, Billy didn’t agree.

Upstairs, Lily and Chelsea talked. Chelsea said she was sorry for monopolizing so much of Billy’s time, but Lily expressed her happiness that Chelsea was okay in the end. Chelsea urged Lily not to read anything into the situation, and she said she wanted to be as transparent as possible. Lily admitted she didn’t fully understand it all, and Chelsea expressed her gratitude toward Billy.

Lily let Chelsea know that she shouldn’t give Billy all the credit for her making it through things. She reminded Chelsea that she’d worked very hard to be there still. Lily also pointed out all the people in Chelsea’s network who supported her, and she expressed that Billy couldn’t be there for her 24/7, and Chelsea agreed wistfully.

In the coffee shop, Sharon Rosales (Sharon Case) walked in, and Billy thanked her for everything she did the night he saved Chelsea’s life on the rooftop. Billy wondered if Sharon thought he had a savior complex, and Sharon said she didn’t think so, but she reminded him that he could get burned out.

Adam walked in, greeting Sharon, but he wasn’t so pleased to see Billy. Adam had planned to go upstairs, but Billy let him know that Chelsea was talking to Lily. Lily returned and told Billy how things had gone. Billy pointed out that Lily said all the right things to Chelsea, and they decided to go to lunch at Society. Lily felt she understood what Billy was doing more now that she’d talked with Chelsea. Billy said he drove, so he planned to meet Lily at Society in a few minutes.

Once Lily left, Billy called Chelsea, but Chelsea saw his call, and she didn’t answer it. Billy seemed concerned in the voicemail he left for Chelsea.

Y&R Recap: Another Try

Elena lamented that she felt some judgment from Devon lately, and she revealed that Nate’s cousins seemed to find her guilty by association. Nate had the perfect solution, though — for Elena to return to Newman Media and do her podcast with them instead. Elena reminded Nate that she went to great lengths to get out of her previous Newman Media contract.

Y&R recap Nate and Elena

Elena also told Nate that she felt she owed Chancellor-Winters her loyalty. Nate wondered about what loyalty she owed him, though. He extolled Victoria’s leadership qualities and said she would allow him to soar. He promised Elena that he and Victoria would ensure her podcast was a smash hit if she returned.

In the end, Nate said he didn’t plan to pressure her to return. Nate asked Elena to come along with him and Victoria to Los Angeles. He couched it as a romantic getaway after his business. They shared a moment, and Elena told Nate she wanted things to go back to the way they used to be, and he agreed.

Coming Up Next On Y&R Spoilers: 

Now that you’ve read the Y&R recap, here’s a look at what’s coming up next.

Y&R Spoilers: Thursday, December 1, 2022

Nikki discovers that Phyllis went rogue.
Daniel reminisces with Lily.
Diane does damage control with Kyle.

The Young and the Restless airs weekdays on CBS. For an in-depth look at the show’s history, click here.

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