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Bold and the Beautiful’s Lawrence Saint-Victor to Star in BET Plus Movie

Lawrence Saint-Victor and BET shared a post revealing the new thriller he’s in called The Accused.


Lawrence Saint-Victor’s Carter has certainly run the gamut of emotions on The Bold and the Beautiful lately. He went from feeling elated when he snatched Forrester Creations away from Ridge, Steffy, and Eric to feeling like a heel for betraying his friends and pseudo-family. He also went from thinking he was in love with Hope to having mixed emotions about Daphne. Saint-Victor’s been having a field day with these storylines and now he gets to branch out into the thriller genre.

She Was Framed

On Instagram, the online streaming service BET Plus shared a post with Saint-Victor that stated, “Corruption, conspiracy, and murder! How far will Dani go to prove her innocence and uncover the truth behind her fiancé’s death. Watch @thugginn, @crystalleebrown, @lsaintvic, and @rockmonddunbar in #TheAccusedBETPlus, streaming April 10th!”

Along with that was a trailer for The Accused that showed brilliant plant geneticist Dani West (Paige Hurd) having to force Saint-Victor’s Detective Lance Branson to help her prove she didn’t murder her fiancé. Hurd has appeared in the reboot of Hawaii 5-0 as well as Power Book II: Ghost among many other shows and films. (Check out Saint-Victor’s behind-the-scenes look at B&B.)

READ THIS: Get a glimpse at what’s coming up on B&B.

A Commitment To Justice

The film was directed by Tony Glazer who helmed the 2018 thriller, Dead Sound. It was written by Glazer and Pat White and was based on a screenplay by White and Clarence Williams IV. Rounding out the cast are Crystal Lee Brown (Judas and the Black Messiah, 2021) as Victoria Goode, Summer Crockett Moore (A Deadly Legend, 2020) as Detective Nadine Styles, Nicole G. Leier (The Perfect Pickup, 2020) as Felicia, Manny Perez (Blue Bloods) as Detective Bobby Rios, and Rockmond Dunbar (Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang, 2005) as Marcus Wainwright.

According to the film’s web page on Paramount, Saint-Victor’s Lance, “Is a man of integrity, deeply committed to justice, and often goes above and beyond in his investigations.” He must help the resourceful Dani who, “Has a strong sense of justice and integrity, which is tested when she is framed for her fiance’s murder.”

The exciting new thriller debuts on BET Plus on Thursday, April 10.

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