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Steffy Forrester Finnegan Threw Hope Straight Under the Bus

B&B recap for Wednesday, May 24, 2023: It’s about time her ex gets a clue.

the bold and the beautiful recap for wednesday, may 24, 2023, steffy forrester finnegan scowling ahead at a grousing liam.Steffy Forrester Finnegan glares at a grousing Liam.

On today’s The Bold and the Beautiful episode, Steffy Forrester Finnegan tired of Liam’s anti-Thomas crusade and strongly suggested that the blame lay closer to home.

Bold and the Beautiful Recap Highlights

In addition, little Miss Kelly (Sophia Paras McKinlay) made her parents play house and Taylor (Krista Allen) got rather cross with her bestie. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what exactly happened.

Steffy Forrester Finnegan Lays All The Blame At Hope’s Feet

At the cliff house, Steffy (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) and Kelly enthusiastically welcomed Liam (Scott Clifton) for some impromptu bonding and a late-night cookie — or two.

Liam introduced Kelly to the glorious concept of howling — yes, howling — at the “Man in the Moon” — and all three participated in the frivolity.

READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on Bold and the Beautiful.

When bedtime approached, Kelly did everything in her power to extend the attention being lavished upon her by Mommy and Daddy.

First, she had to dole out an equal amount of kisses – five for Mommy and five for Daddy [and yes, Liam did sneak a sixth; take that Steffy!]. Then she required some water…and another pillow…and she just couldn’t fathom closing her eyes unless the noise machine was turned on.

Steffy and Liam lapped it all up and subsequently declared the evening a qualified success and the family howling session cathartic. But then, a tragedy. Hope (Annika Noelle) won’t be making it home in time for the one-on-one dinner she and Liam had previously planned. The reason: it’s going to be a late night at the office with Thomas.

Liam got his disappointment across in a passive-aggressive fashion then hung up on his wife. Next, he subjected Steffy to a diatribe about how he’ll never be able to trust Thomas (Matthew Atkinson) and how he’ll always worry about him and Hope working together.

After flashing back to seeing Hope holding Thomas’s hands and “gazing at him with desire,” Steffy suggested that it wasn’t Thomas that Liam should be concerned about, but rather Hope. “I don’t want to hurt you, but I think your wife has feelings for Thomas!”

Should Brooke really try to save her friendship with Taylor?

B&B Recap: Details Please

Speaking of feelings, Brooke (Katherine Kelly Lang) continued to hound Hope for an answer to her oft-repeated question, namely, does she or doesn’t she have feelings for Thomas?

Hope swore that she did not. What’s more, she claimed that she had everything under control in regard to her working relationship with Thomas.

Opposite, Taylor asked Thomas for some further clarification as to why Hope so savagely attacked his character, and he said that it was “just to placate her mother.” Also, there’s no reason for Taylor to get upset. It does make sense for Brooke to still have reservations about him.

Despite resolving to give Brooke the benefit of the doubt — “maybe she’s picking up on a vibe that I’m not” — Taylor later confronted Brooke and demanded an explanation.

Not wanting to relay Hope’s earlier [and subsequently backtracked] confession to having feelings for Thomas, the best Brooke could offer was that she’s “not 100% comfortable with Hope and Thomas working together…I’m worried about my daughter’s life with Liam.”

The Bold and the Beautiful airs weekdays on CBS. For an in-depth look at the show’s history, click here.

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