The Bold and the Beautiful recap for Wednesday, October 31 features Eric giving Quinn a shocking lesson and Ridge making a destructive move to take Bill down a peg.
Raging Ridge
It’s seems nothing Bill (Don Diamont) does is good enough for Ridge. He should be thankful he’s not behind bars but getting off the hook only enrages him more. He knows a scheme when he sees one, and Bill’s up to something. In fact, Ridge was sure he knows what it is.
Ridge was sure Bill’s trading his freedom for Brooke and accused his wife of agreeing to the deal. Well, to say Brooke was floored is an understatement. Sure, Bill wants her and promised to be a better man, but she wouldn’t sell herself like that… or would she?
Holding onto the sword necklace doesn’t help her case, and Ridge had something to say about that too. And, it wasn’t all talk. He took the medallion out of Brooke’s purse and smashed it with a hammer (that was conveniently on the conference table).
After shocking Brooke and throwing a few nasty words her way, it was off to the hospital. Poor Bill was ready to be released, and Ridge was the last person he expected to see. Instead of a doc showing up with paperwork, he was treated to another of Ridge’s tirades.
Pam Gets Her Way!
Back at the office, Charlie (Dick Christie) did his best to sooth Pam’s shattered nerves. Eric’s wife is impossible to get along with, and Pam’s feeling the pressure. She had her big dream of feeling connected to her family on her wedding day only to have it ripped away.
Pam relived the last minutes she and Stephanie shared with their mother as she took her last breath. She lost a piece of herself that day and a bigger one when her sister died too. She simply wanted Stephanie’s presence, even if it was only through her iconic portrait.
Meanwhile, Eric (John McCook) did the impossible and finally put Quinn (Rena Sofer) in her place. He laid down the law and put his foot firmly down over this whole Pam debacle. She will have her wedding at the mansion, and Quinn can either let Pam have her day or not be invited at all.
Well, didn’t Pam get quite the shock when she showed up to the mansion, and Quinn broke the news. Pam’s won this battle but will it be the start of a war?
The Bold and the Beautiful (BB) airs weekdays on CBS. Check your local listings for airtimes.

Video Credit: Lisa Rado
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