It’s voting day in The United States of America and while everyone of voting age in the U.S. should be casting their ballot, soap stars are performing their civic duty too!
Whether needed to cast a ballot for local offices, the Senate, The House of Representatives, your state governor, or the many referendums on the ballot, it was time to make your voice heard today.
Here are some of your favorite soaps stars doing just that and showing their pride at having done so.
Just voted!! Great feeling!!
— Eric Braeden (@EBraeden) November 6, 2018
I voted, how about you? #GoVote
— Anna Maria Horsford (@AMHorsford) November 6, 2018
“Voting isn’t the most we can do. But it is the least.”
-Gloria Steinem ❤️— Chrishell Hartley (@Chrishell7) November 6, 2018
Walking to the polls with my boys! #VoteToday
— Eden VOTE! Riegel (@edenriegel) November 6, 2018
Did you? #Election2018 #vote #voted #days
— Ron Carlivati (@carlivatiron) November 6, 2018
Sometimes the good one wins and sometimes the bad one wins… I’m just grateful to live in a #democracy #Ivotedtoday #ElectionDay2018 #UnitedStates #america
— Greg Meng (@greg_meng) November 6, 2018
Ps. I’m taking the train home to Philly just to vote today. So, no excuses people👏😊
— Kristen Alderson (@krisalderson) November 6, 2018
Red,Blue, Green or Independent? Just get out there and vote. It’s one of the greatest privileges in our nation.
— Sean Kanan (@seankanan) November 6, 2018
Noodle has a message for you. “Bark! Bark!” Translation: “If I can do it, you can, too!” #vote
— Jon Lindstrom (@thejonlindstrom) November 6, 2018
— Lauralee Bell (@LauraleeB4real) November 6, 2018
I hope you have voted or are making every effort to be a part of this MAJOR event in our countries history! We ARE “the people,” every one of us. If not you, who? If not now, when? #Vote2018 #MidtermsMatter 💥❤️⭐️🎉
— Cady McClain (@CadyMcClain) November 6, 2018
Bada Bing! #IVOTED
— Michelle Stafford (@TheRealStafford) November 6, 2018
This is the coolest sticker ever🇺🇸 #vote
— Kyle Lowder (@KyleLowder22) November 6, 2018
The American Way #privileged #duty #americanway
— Greg Vaughan (@greg_vaughan) November 6, 2018
Get out and VOTE!
— Justin Hartley (@justinhartley) November 6, 2018
No excuses. Do it.. #vote2018
— lisa locicero (@lisalocicerogh) November 6, 2018
Where my head is today #Voted
— Rachel Miner (@RachelMiner1) November 6, 2018

Video Credit: MsMojo

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