Wednesday night marked another mass shooting in America at a bar close to home for many soap stars — and they took to social media to express their horror.
The constant mass shootings in this country are a constant cause of distress to many, but now this latest one hit way too close to home for many of the soap opera actors who work in Los Angeles but live in surrounding suburbs like Thousand Oaks where the massacre took place.
It was a special night at the bar — college kids who enjoy country music — when the suspect opened fire, killing 12 people and then himself. Like many people, the actors took to social media to share the horror they feel and how this shooting touched their lives.
You can see their postings below. (Note: Just one day later, soap stars and other California residents in different parts of the state began fleeing their homes due to another round of deadly and devastating wild fires.
Just now another mass shooting of college students. This time it’s in my hometown & II have to worry about my child. To anyone who didn’t just vote against a party that refuses to ban semi automatic killing machines…look what you’ve allowed… again.
— Nancy Lee Grahn (@NancyLeeGrahn) November 8, 2018
Another one. God bless those that lost their lives and their loved ones. #ThousandOaksShooting
— Eileen Davidson (@eileen_davidson) November 8, 2018
To all the families police officers and everyone involved in this tragedy it is so heartbreaking what is happening in this country!
— Maurice Benard (@MauriceBenard) November 8, 2018
For those unfamiliar with Thousand Oaks CA….On the news it was reported TO is the third safest town…in the country. Good Lord. Just awful.
— Martha Byrne (@MarthaByrne10) November 8, 2018
America is simply at war. This morning many parents, again, will look for their son or daughter and they will have that call where their heart will break forever. I’m crying with the families. #crushed #ThousandOaks
— Gilles Marini (@GillesMarini) November 8, 2018
Waking up to the news of another mass shooting is heartbreaking. I live near Thousand Oaks. It’s a beautiful and safe area. This has got to stop. Something must be done. This can’t be our normal. Sending love and healing to those touched by this senseless tragedy.
— Linsey Godfrey (@linseygodfrey) November 8, 2018
307 #MassShootings in 311 days. When is enough enough?? #ThousandOaksShooting Oaks, California, rampage makes 307 mass shootings in 311 days – USA TODAY
— Rena Sofer BoycottNRA (@RenaSofer) November 8, 2018
My sister lives in Thousand Oaks & hv family that live close. The idea of this happening anywhere anymore, much less that close to them… is too much. Once again, though my heart is w the victims & their families…what thy really needed was action & reform.
— Camryn Grimes (@camryngrimes) November 8, 2018
— Laura Wright (@lldubs) November 8, 2018
My wife didn’t sleep last night.
Borderline is a bar her family and friends frequent (she’s taken me there too), and she spent the early morning hours helplessly wondering whether anyone she loved was among the victims.
— Scott Clifton (@CliftonsNotes) November 8, 2018
In any other developed country, this experience would be surreal. Here in the States, it’s become a normal, predictable part of our reality.
And yet we have a gun lobby so powerful and unscrupulous it has convinced us that the disease is the cure, and the cure is the disease.
— Scott Clifton (@CliftonsNotes) November 8, 2018
Absolutely horrifying. I don’t know what to say anymore. My heart is with every single family that has been touched by this senseless violence. Again.
— Chrishell Hartley (@Chrishell7) November 8, 2018
Stg. Ron Helus stopped the gunfire and saved countless lives. He lost his own. #HERO
— Michelle Stafford (@TheRealStafford) November 8, 2018
My nephew is a graduate of Cal Lutheran. This is horrific. Devastating. My prayers go out to the families. There is so much to say. I am so sad🙏🏼
— Michelle Stafford (@TheRealStafford) November 8, 2018
Love and support to all my friends and fellow Californians waking up in Thousand Oaks to another totally avoidable American Tragedy
— Paul Telfer (@PaulTelfer) November 8, 2018
Gunman Who 12 Killed in Thousand Oaks Shooting Is Identified – The New York Times
Here we go again. Speaking of getting to work on much needed legislation… #GunControlNow
What will it take, America?— Stephen Nichols (@officialnichols) November 8, 2018
My sincerest condolences to the families of the victims of the heartbreaking Thousand Oaks shooting. Just devastating… 🙏🏼
— Daniel Goddard (@DanielGoddard) November 8, 2018
Praying for #ThousandOaks. 12 college kids are dead because of darkness. Let this heartbreak remind us to love well. People who feel loved & valued don’t kill people. Show extravagant love to everyone. Light will always overcome darkness. Your love could stop a future shooting.
— Jen Lilley (@jen_lilley) November 8, 2018
Waking up to the news of the shooting in Thousand Oaks is SO saddening, the fact that one patron had survived TWO mass shootings (one in Thousand Oaks/one in Vegas) is too much. Any is TOO MUCH. I feel so awful for the families who have their loved ones in such a sensless way.
— Ginesse (@caitfairbanks) November 8, 2018
Beyond sad-beyond words! How does one console the families of loved ones killed by#ViolentHatred? They “died a hero” begs the question WHY? When will we #CHANGE? A very good man #SgtRonHelus nearing retirement-died protecting college students-11 of whom were killed #GunControlNOW
— robin strasser (@robinstrasser) November 8, 2018
Can we do better? Please. I’m begging you all. No sensible member of our democracy wants to see fellow citizens die randomly and senselessly. HOW DO WE DECREASE MASS SHOOTINGS
— Alice Hunter (@itsalicehunter) November 8, 2018
heartbroken over what my hometown is going through the last few days. Sending an arrow of prayer to god this morning to provide comfort to all friends and the families affected by events of the last 2 days
— Kate Mansi (@KateMansi) November 9, 2018

Video Credit: MsMojo

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