The soap opera ratings race for the week ending November 2 shows the ups and downs of soaps are still with us.
And, this week it seems to be on the downside for all four remaining daytime dramas. All lost viewers overall, with some surprising results in the demographics.
The Young and the Restless
The perpetually number one-ranked The Young and the Restless garnered 4,056,000 viewers on average overall, down 170,000 from the week before and 361,000 from the year before.
The only place where Y&R made any gains was from the week before and year before with women 18-34, but it also dropped to second place in that demo.
The Bold and the Beautiful
Sister soap The Bold and the Beautiful also lost viewers all around, pulling in 3,357,000 viewers on average overall, down 11,000 from the prior week and 151,000 from the prior year.
B&B also only made gains with women 18-34, but it overtook Y&R for the first place position in that demographic.
Days of Our Lives
Days of Our Lives, which had been seeing more gains than losses over the last year, saw a decrease in viewers, but less so than the other three soaps.
DAYS garnered 2,178,000 viewers on average overall, down 66,000 from the previous week and 17,000 from the previous year.
DAYS only made gains from the week before with women 18-49, where it overtook General Hospital for third place in that demo. It also made third place in the other demos.
General Hospital
GH fared the worst of all four soaps in terms of losses, as it has been doing much of this year. The 55-year-old soap pulled in 2,227,000 viewers on average overall, down 54,000 from the week before and a whopping 537,000 from the year before.
GH only made gains from the week before with women 18-34 and dropped to last place in all three female demographics.

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