In real-life terms, Nelle is likely just about nine months pregnant, right? Also, this is General Hospital (GH), and nine months usually happens a lot quicker than this in soap life.
Heck, some characters who were pregnant on-screen even longer have already had giant preemies that need to stay in the hospital for weeks. (Cough… Maxie.)
Yet, Nelle (Chloe Lanier) is still waddling around pregnant on six-inch heels (clearly, she’s taken a few clues from Sam). She even wears these six-inch heels after tumbling down an entire flight of stairs with nary a scratch on her and still with a totally healthy baby just waiting to be born.
And waiting. And waiting. May sweeps are over and done. Maxie is home and not pregnant and Nelle…is still pregnant.
Soap Hub asked if Nelle needs to just have this baby already to get this story moving and more than 10,000 of you took Kim’s job and weighed in.
YES! Please! OMG! Have this baby, 97% of you say. How much longer can this go on? Nelle was having false labor pains during February sweeps, she fell down the Q stairs during May sweeps, and she’s apparently going to be pregnant until the next sweeps period? Maybe?
Really, how often do we see a soap character give birth when it’s NOT a sweeps month? Do we really want this to happen? Months more of a pregnant Nelle?
Well, it seems 3% of you are just fine with this. “Drag it on till the next sweeps period” is exactly what you voted for. We suppose that keeps Maxie’s (Kirsten Storms) baby safe from the baby switch we thought would happen. James HAS to be out of the hospital by the time another ratings month rolls around. Right? Right?
Of course, when Soap Hub posed this question, we were being tongue in cheek, but that didn’t stop thousands from voting. And that says something. We’re ready for the next chapter in this saga and the next chapter can’t really happen until Nelle’s baby finally makes his or her entrance into the soap world.
General Hospital (GH) airs weekdays on ABC. Check your local listings for airtimes.

Video Credit: Michael and Nelle Fanpage
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