The good (ha!) people of General Hospital thought they’d seen the last of Nelle when she was sent away for her crimes. Well, the ones Port Charles is aware of, anyway.
But she wasn’t sent too far away and we even saw her on Thursday. She can still visit her loved (and not so loved) ones. There’s Carly (Laura Wright). She’s always fun to harass. And Michael (Chad Duell). He can’t be allowed to forget what happened.
And, of course, little Wiley. Even his dad, Brad (Parry Shen), would prefer Wiley’s other dad, Lucas (Ryan Carnes) – not to be confused with his real dad, Michael – not know about that switcharoo he and Nelle (Chloe Lanier) pulled by the side of the road.
Nelle still has plenty of story to tell on GH. But do you want to watch it? Here’s how almost 5,000 feel.
Hard Pass
Nah, 56% of you aren’t swayed by the arguments above. Nelle isn’t needed for any of it. Michael can figure out that Lucas and Brad’s Wiley is actually his presumed dead Jonah without the baby’s mother’s help.
In fact, at the rate everything is going, with Carly seemingly required by law to play a part in every storyline, she’ll solve it.
Whether it’s Laura (Genie Francis) running for mayor, or the Chamberlin/Collins (Jon Linstrom) version of The Parent Trap, don’t be surprised if Carly is the hero. She’ll bring her grandson home – without Nelle needing to make a return appearance.
Need Nelle
You can’t tell this story without Nelle, 44% of the audience sticks by their guns. Even if Brad tells all, they’ll still need confirmation from Jonah’s mom.
She has to make at least one more appearance after today if only to tie things up. And, as long as she’s back, it’s doubtful Nelle could refrain from making more trouble. Lots of people wronged her. She hasn’t gotten them all back yet.
General Hospital (GH) airs weekdays on ABC. Check your local listings for airtimes.

Video Credit: carlybabes

Video Credit: General Hospital
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