She is crazy, verging on deadly (Sound of Music reference)… Liesl on General Hospital (GH) is. (Sing it to the tune of I Am Sixteen, Going on Seventeen… it tracks.)
Liesl (Kathleen Gati) has spent the past many weeks keeping Peter (Wes Ramsey) tied to a bed, first in an isolated cabin, then on an island allegedly infected with West Nile Virus.
She’s doing it to punish him for causing the death of her long-lost son, Nathan (Ryan Paevey) – also Peter/Heinrich’s long-lost brother. Or, at least she thinks he caused it.
Liesl wanted Peter to write another book under his/Faison’s (Anders Hove) name because… uhm… Misery? Oh, and because Liesel is CRAZY.
Then, she set the stables on fire with her niece and Peter inside. So, how should she be punished? Should it be jail or a stint at Ferncliff? Almost 10,000 backseat judges offered their verdict:
Snake Pit
Look at what a rough time Carly (Laura Wright) is having at Ferncliff, 73% remind. Liesl deserves the exact same experience. She’ll be tortured much more there than in jail.
And in her free time, maybe she’ll get some therapy to get to the bottom of her obsession with a man who never gave a damn about her.
Or why, knowing that Faison wanted a son more than anything in the world, she kept daughter Britt (Kelly Thibaud), but gave away Nathan.
Throw Away the Key!
Liesl has done many, many things that warrant being locked up in jail – she kept Robin (Kimberly McCullough) from Patrick (Jason Thompson) to start with, and 26% of you are perfectly content if she goes down for this one, instead of for all the others.
Nina (Michelle Stafford) can go ahead and plead temporary insanity, she’s got the precedent.
But, if Liesel is sane enough to run General Hospital instead of the more qualified and less homicidal doctors, she’s sane enough to stand trial for kidnapping Peter.
General Hospital (GH) airs weekdays on ABC. Check your local listings for airtimes.

Video Credit: kcamowje
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