General Hospital (GH) had a great and timely storyline going with a topical tale of sexual harassment involving an older doctor and an eager-to-please young medical student. It was compelling and reaching a turning point, and then it just went all wrong.
Before Dr. Bensch (James DePaiva) was even a big factor in Kiki’s (Hayley Erin) life, we saw that her friendship with Griffin (Matt Cohen) may turn into something more and didn’t like it then, but the timing of that something more was all off. And that’s just ONE reason why this was just all WRONG.
Just after a freakish experience catching Dr. Bensch leering at her while she changed backstage at The Nurses’ Ball, Kiki poured her heart and story out to Michael and he insisted that she report the man.
But, then Kiki decided to get drunk. While not particularly out of character for her, it was just not right for the situation. Griffin getting drunk with her and then inviting her back to his hotel room just didn’t work. We knew they’d fall into bed with each other, but just no.
If Kiki’s #MeToo story was going to have any validity, a woman who had just felt sexually violated would not jump into bed with her mother’s boyfriend without a second thought–alcohol or no alcohol.
And yes, Kiki jumped into bed with her mother’s ex-priest boyfriend. Because sharing boy toys is the mother-daughter thing to do.
It was horrid enough when Ava (Maura West) slept with Morgan (Bryan Craig) when he was Kiki’s boyfriend–and Kiki was rightfully hurt and furious. Why would she then do the same thing to her mother, a woman she’s fought hard to forge a relationship with again?
GH somehow managed to take a story in which a woman was to feel rightfully objectified and then turned her into an object–someone her mother’s boyfriend sleeps with on a drunken rebound night. And that’s how to take something so right and make it oh-so-wrong.
General Hospital (GH) airs weekdays on ABC. Check your local listings for airtimes.

Video Credit: Naxie
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