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Is General Hospital Chem Testing A Molly & Cody Romance?

Cody and Molly are being chem tested. Will they make a good couple?

General Hospital Cody and Molly with the Soap Hub logoCody and Molly may be a new couple

General Hospital’s Molly and Cody are both presently single. That doesn’t necessarily mean they would make a good match. But could they?

Opposites Attract

Molly (Kristen Vaganos) is just like her mom, Alexis (Nancy Lee Grahn). They are both very serious, smart, career-driven women. Molly always knew she wanted to follow in her mother’s footsteps and become an attorney. She is now a Port Charles Assistant District Attorney and loves her job.

Alexis’ daughter believed she found her perfect match in T.J. (Tajh Bellow) when they were just kids. Unfortunately, their relationship recently ended.

Cody (Josh Kelly) is a bit of a lost soul. He was a grifter who came to Port Charles and tried to scam his way into a fortune. It looked like he made a turnaround when he fell for Sasha (Sofia Mattsson), but they strangely discovered they were cousins. Now, he is falling backward. Molly and Cody are as different as two people can be.

Stranger Things Have Happened

The ADA and the stable hand have recently been thrown together a few times. Cody spent the night in jail, so she came to see him representing the District Attorney. The two did not get along at all. He is hot-headed, and she has no patience for him. There were a few more run-ins with the same outcome. GH doesn’t seem to know what to do with the Cody character or who to pair him up with. They may be throwing him together with Alexis’ youngest daughter, but are they really a good match?

Mac’s (John J York) son does not have his act together, which is why he was in jail in the first place. He is gambling again and has started more than one bar fight in recent weeks. This is not someone the ADA would fall for. Cody lives in a barn, and it is hard to imagine a very serious Molly moving into the Quartermaine stables with him.

Stranger things have happened in Port Charles, so Molly could be the person Cody wants to do better for. She may be the one who gets him to straighten up and get serious. Sometimes, love doesn’t make much sense. Do you think these two could make a great couple? Let us know in the comments.

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