Lucas Adams on Days of our Lives
Tripp’s contemplates ditching his plot to destroy Kayla by framing her for the wrongful death of her patient and coming clean about setting her up on Days of Our Lives (DOOL).
“Tripp has been working with Kayla, day in and day out, at the hospital,” explains Lucas Adams (Tripp). “He sees everything she does for her patients.
He sees how nice and genuine she is with everyone. Seeing that is conflicting for him. He wonders how she could be a murderer when she’s so sweet and caring to everyone.”
Seeds of Doubt
It plants seeds of doubt in his head about Jade’s (Gabrielle Haugh) claim that Kayla (Mary Beth Evans) murdered his mother.
“I think Tripp has always kind of doubted that a little bit just because he’s one of those people who questions everything around him,” says Adams. “But the idea hasn’t completely been removed from his mind.”
Not-So-Sweet Revenge
Couple that with how kind and encouraging Steve (Stephen Nichols) and Kayla have been since they brought Tripp to Salem and welcomed him into their family, and it’s left Tripp questioning his revenge plot.
“Steve and Kayla seem like great people,” notes Adams. “He wonders how they could be lying to him about who killed his mom. There’s a lot of stuff going on in his mind, and he’s conflicted.”
Lies, Lies, Lies
Tripp seriously considers coming clean about everything. “At this point in time, Tripp is tired of all the lies,” contends Adams. “Not just that he’s hearing a bunch of lies, but also the lies that he’s telling himself and the people who supposedly love him. He’s about to break. He doesn’t know what to do. He starts to think that all he can do now is maybe come clean.
“He also wonders if he should come clean, because maybe Kayla did [kill his mom],” continues Adams. “Then, she’ll get away with it and not pay for what she did. It’s a big ordeal with Tripp.”
Tricking Tripp
Yet, he doesn’t like the person he’s become or the methods he’s resorted to.
“He’s being manipulated by Jade, but he’s not able to see that,” explains Adams. “All he sees is a friend… someone being a friend to him.
“Tripp is blinded by that fact. Jade has completely pulled the wool over his eyes. Tripp’s very confused about what to do in his life right now.”
And Jade makes it even more confusing, when she suggests that Tripp ditch his plot to get even with Kayla.
“That really throws him for a loop,” asserts Adams. “She’s the one who’s been so adamant about this. She’s the one who’s been saying that Kayla, for sure, [killed Ava].
“Then, to all of a sudden say that maybe Tripp shouldn’t [get even with her]… It’s like a red flag. He’s like, ‘Hang on a second. You were so sure about this five seconds ago. Why are you all of a sudden doubting it now?’”
Forging Forward
Ultimately, Tripp decides to forge ahead with his plot against Kayla. “Tripp is tired of everything,” says Adams. “He kind of snaps. He doesn’t know what to, so he just …continue reading on the next page —>
Forging Forward
Ultimately, Tripp decides to forge ahead with his plot against Kayla. “Tripp is tired of everything,” says Adams. “He kind of snaps. He doesn’t know what to, so he just decides to go for it. I mean, Why half way do it? Let’s just do it and get it done.”
The impetus behind it all is pure and simple for Tripp. “He’s heard so many stories, they’re all different, and none of them make sense,” points out Adams. “All he wants is the truth. He needs to know what really happened.”
In the meantime, the force driving him is doing right by his late mother.
“Tripp still feels like she was a good person in her own way,” says Adams. “He knows she was crazy, but she was still his mother and you’ve got to protect your own.”
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