Nicole has finally remembered details of the night Deimos was killed on Days of Our Lives (DOOL) and believes she is the one who stabbed him.
It’s a shocking twist in the murder mystery that began in late June, when Gabi (Camila Banus) discovered Deimos’s dead body at the Martin House. Loathed by half of Salem, just about everyone has been a suspect – from JJ (Casey Moss) to Xander (Paul Telfer) to Chad (Billy Flynn) and more.
Yet, Nicole (Arianne Zucker) was the last person fans of the soap wanted or suspected to be the culprit. Whether or not she really did it or not, remains to seen. In the interim, Soap Hub polled fans and asked if you care who murdered Deimos.
No, Not at All Anymore
Of the 7,200 plus fans who responded, 81% of you no longer care who offed Deimos. The story has had too many false leads and lame twists to your liking. Besides, the character deserved to die. He was pure evil. In your book, whoever fatally stabbed him deserves a medal and not a jail sentence.
Yes, Whoever Did It Must Pay
Meanwhile, 19% of you are still eager to find out who the real killer is and believe that person needs to pay for the crime. Murder has its consequences. But you’re not convinced Nicole really is the guilty party.
Sure, she may have stabbed Deimos, but it may not have been fatally. Perhaps someone else stumbled upon his collapsed body after Nicole left the scene and stabbed a still breathing Deimos (Vincent Irizarry) with the knife.
Days of our Lives airs weekdays on NBC. Share your thoughts, leave a comment in the section below. Win exclusive member-only DAYS spoilers, prizes, and more: sign up here! Also, join the conversation on our Facebook page.

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