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Days of our Lives recap for Monday, February 15, 2021, features Ciara reaching out, Charlie showing his true colors, Rafe agreeing to house a convict, and Rhodes getting a shock.
Days of our Lives Recap Highlights
The phone connection was terrible but Ciara (Victoria Konefal) fought through the static. She whispered, she whimpered, and she tried to get through to Ben (Robert Scott Wilson). All he heard was interference and couldn’t make out a voice or any words.
Contact Made!
The call did not last long. Rhodes (Jason Downs) was back in the dungeon before too long. He busted Ciara and went to snatch his phone back. Before he hung up, Ciara screamed out “I love you, Ben” and magically, the static cleared long enough for Ben to hear her.
Rhodes made sure Ciara was nice, secure, and phone-free and made a beeline for the prison. He went to talk to Vincent but got Orpheus (George DelHoyo) instead.
A Very Bad Move
Meanwhile, Charlie (Mike Manning) was in the square assaulting Claire (Isabel Durant). He tried to convince her that Allie (Linsey Godfrey) was the liar but it was a no-go. Claire was not having it. Charlie grabbed her by the wrists when she was trying to walk away.
Luckily, Ben came upon the scene. He blasted Charlie and rescued Claire. He made it very clear that Charlie would be in a world of hurt if he ever went near Claire again.
A Random Roommate
Ava’s (Tamara Braun) is ready to go home, but Nicole (Arianne Zucker) does not want her going to her own home. Not with Charlie (Mike Manning) on the loose. Nicole suggests Ava hide at Rafe’s (Galen Gering) place until they get Charlie behind bars. Rafe did not like that idea very much but Nicole talked him into it.
Tripp (Lucas Adams) showed up to visit his mom. They whined about Charlie and he updated her that the apartment was ready for her homecoming, including a new set of locks. Ava was grateful but told him she may have to live elsewhere.
A Furious Father
Across town, Lucas (Bryan Dattilo) told Allie (Lindsay Arnold) and Marlena (Deidre Hall) the charges were dropped against Charlie. They were devastated but Marlena reminded Allie he would still face kidnapping charges. At least that’s something.
Allie and Lucas went to take Henry home and ran into Charlie along the way. Lucas went ballistic, grabbed Charlie, and made several threats. Allie peeled Lucas off, broke up the fight, and told her dad that Charlie was not worth it. Days of our Lives (DOOL) airs weekdays on NBC. Check your local listings for airtimes.
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