The Days of Our Lives recap for Monday, November 26 features Will and Sonny seeing smooth sailing ahead… until their ship wrecks with the return of Leo!
Deadly Surprise
Will (Chandler Massey) and Sonny (Freddie Smith) finally reunited after he told him Paul found out the truth about them. They decided to head to Sonny’s to be together but before the headed up the stairs, the doorbell rang… and it was Leo (Greg Rikaart)!
Endings and Beginnings
Hope (Kristian Alfonso) and Rafe (Galen Gering) went to Doug’s Place looking for pie and learned that Ciara (Victoria Konefal) didn’t show up for Thanksgiving dinner. So Hope left to find her while Rafe ate pie and told Julie he won’t mess up with Hope again.
Ciara found Tripp (Lucas Adams) moving out of the loft. They argued about who really ended it and then went their separate ways.
Hope found Ciara, who explained about her breakup. She tried to warn her off Ben but yeah, good luck with that, Hope. Later, Hope was approached by a mystery man and she knocked him out (hi Ted!).
Claire (Olivia Rose Keegan) celebrated Tripp and Ciara’s breakup to Ben (Robert Scott Wilson), who wanted nothing more to do with her.
She tried to pump him up to go after Ciara. As Ben got irritated, Tripp came to Claire’s aid and she milked it. Ben threatened to call the cops.
Claire tried to talk him out of it and even got between Tripp and Ben, telling Ben that Tripp deserves another chance and he agreed, making Claire feel she’s in good shape to get Tripp.
He told her to leave him alone as he tightened her tie. Later, she flipped out to learn Tripp moved out while Ciara ran into Ben.
Daddy Issues
Eric (Greg Vaughan) told Sarah (Linsey Godfrey) that Holly kept asking for her mom. When he feared raising Holly alone, Sarah said she and her mom would be there for him.
Days of our Lives (DOOL) airs weekdays on NBC. Check your local listings for airtimes.

Video Credit: Chrissy Renee
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