5. Dead Man Walking
When Rex discovered he wasn’t Tony and Marlena’s son as he had been led to believe, he confronted Rolf. Before Rolf could reveal any details, a crate toppled on top of him and he was “killed” in 2003. In fact, his corpse was used to fake Larry Welch’s death.
6. Here’s to Hattie
Upon discovering waitress Hattie Adams, Stefano had Rolf transform her into a Marlena lookalike. He also ordered Rolf to seduce Hattie to keep her under their control, but she had already fallen for Roman and resisted Rolf’s advances.
7. Bye-Bye Memories
After John was “killed” by a hit-and-run driver, Rolf brought him back to life, erased his memories, and brainwashed him to, once again, become Stefano’s pawn.
John, however, was so powerful, he eventually got the upper hand on both of them and took over the DiMera empire. John agreed not to press charges against Rolf, if he shut down his science lab and became his butler.
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DOOL The Phoenix Stefano Dimera
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