Thomas may be Douglas’ only living parent on The Bold And The Beautiful, but his recent machinations are calling into question whether he’s worthy of being “dad” to the young boy.
Does Thomas (Matthew Atkinson) really deserve to keep custody of his son, Douglas (Henry Joseph Samiri) after all the threats he’s delivered to his son — not to mention the mind-games? Soap Hub asked this question of BB fans. Read on for the results.
Father’s Daze
Sorry, Thomas. You might be shocked by this, but over 97% of Soap Hub readers think that you should lose custody of your little boy. At a time when he’s most vulnerable, having endured the death of his mother, Caroline (Linsey Godfrey), you manipulated your son into getting Hope (Annika Noelle) to consider marrying you.
Also, you scared (and may have scarred, in the process) the little boy by making him think an evil ghost was in his room! Thomas should be taken in by Taylor (Hunter Tylo) because the kid is going to need some therapy! (Or, maybe Aunt Steffy, who is saner than Taylor.)
Second Chances
The rest of you, just under 3%, say no, Thomas should keep custody of Douglas, believing that he’s still a good dad. We guess the best you could say about him was that he was trying to give his son a new mom. But the way he went about it was all wrong!
Time Will Tell
Perhaps Thomas will lose custody of Douglas for a little while and then regain his child’s trust and love over time. Buying him the latest electronics will be a good first step.
No, seriously, Thomas needs to come clean with Douglas and explain his actions and ask his son for understanding and forgiveness. Only then can the father/son bond be rebuilt! The Bold And The Beautiful airs weekdays on CBS. Check local listings for air times.
Video Credit: CBS
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