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The Young and the Restless Spoilers: Mariah Turns On Devon!

The Young and the Restless SpoilersThe Young and the Restless Spoilers

The Young and the Restless spoilers for Monday, June 26, takes a sudden left turn as Mariah betrays Devon, Nick prepares to come clean to Chelsea, and Cane threatens Hilary (well, that last one isn’t much of a surprise).

You’d Better Think — Think — Think — Think It Oh — Oh — Ver!
Devon (Bryton James) had a hard enough time convincing Tessa (Cait Fairbanks) to sign with his fledgling music label in the first place.

It would seem she’s the only guitar-playing, coffee-house crooner in the Western world, and he couldn’t possibly find another one — or 10,000 — just like her. Tessa just has that something special!

At long last, Tessa (grudgingly) agreed to let Devon shower her with money and make her a recording star. Except now Mariah (Camryn Grimes) is the one having second thoughts.

She stops Tessa from signing Devon’s proffered contract. Is this about Tessa’s music, Devon’s ability to manage her career… or the fact that Mariah’s current squeeze might possibly still be in love with his ex-wife?

Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid
And speaking of Hilary (Mishael Morgan), Cane (Daniel Goddard) unloads on the GC Buzz host, threatening her for siccing Juliet (Laur Allen) and her sexual harassment suit on him.

Cane swears that he won’t let Hillary hurt Lily (Christel Khalil). Because Hilary really cares about Lily’s feelings. (Well, she does, but not in a good way.) And because Hilary really backs down when faced with a threat.

Oh, Wait, Another Secret!
Nick (Joshua Morrow) has a confession to make to Chelsea (Melissa Claire Egan), and he’s worried that it might change the way she feels about him.

Is he finally ready to confess Victor’s role in Chloe (Elizabeth Hendrickson) — and Adam’s — deaths?

Wonder if Chelsea will respond in kind, and tell Nick about hey, you know that baby boy of yours? The one you had to fight to take away from Sharon (Sharon Case)? Well, he’s not really your son, either.

He’s Adam’s…. And Victor knows it, too.

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