Meanwhile, Paul checks in with Chelsea (Melissa Claire Egan) and gives her the third degree on the night Calvin died. Expect suspicions to arise when Chelsea leaves a heck of a lot out.
She does not talk about their fight, him wanting to send her son away, or Calvin teaming up with Adam (Mark Grossman). Instead, she will bring up Calvin’s not-so-innocent past.
A Chance Connection
When it comes to Adam, Nick (Joshua Morrow) meets up with Rey and gets the lowdown on the dirt he dug up in Vegas.
The investigation brings up Chance again so Nick decides to get to the bottom of things. He heads to the Chancellor Mansion to have a chat with Jill (Jess Walton).
Spoilers reveal Jill will be shocked to hear her grandson has been hanging around Adam at all, nevermind knowing Adam was alive almost this whole time.
Well, she places a stern call to Chance and demands he call her back at once! The Young and the Restless (YR) airs weekdays on CBS. Check your local listings for airtimes.
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