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Y&R Spoilers: Victor Is the Wile E. Coyote of Genoa City

All the Newman men prove they don’t know when to quit.

young and the restless spoilers for thursday, february 22 episode 12813, victor newman and wile e. coyote.Oh, Victor. Really?

The Young and the Restless spoilers for Thursday, February 22 showcase Victor Newman’s never say die spirit. His sons don’t seem too great at quitting while they’re ahead, either.

This Time I’m Really Going To Do It

Prolific inventor Thomas Edison was quoted as saying, “I haven’t failed. I’ve just found a thousand ways that won’t work.” Victor (Eric Braeden), who, we’re sure, sees himself as a greater man than any great man whoever lived, is taking a page for ol’ Tom’s book.

How, you ask? By being convinced that this time — this time for realz — he has the perfect plan to draw out Jordan (Colleen Zenk), protect Nikki (Melody Thomas Scott), and emerge as the now and forever hero. Sure, nothing he’s done has worked so far. But that was deliberate. Now that Victor knows what won’t work, his new approach is bound to. Right? It’s a total light-bulb moment.

Now, Where Was I?

Nick (Joshua Morrow) and Sally (Courtney Hope) broke up. We saw it. We heard them. We saw and heard them admit that whatever it was they were doing while she was pregnant with Adam’s (Mark Grossman) baby made no sense, and they should stop it.

We thought they’d decided to stop it. Sally certainly seems to have moved on definitively. We thought Nick had, too. So why is he suddenly having second thoughts? What was there even in that relationship to have first thoughts about?

Who would win in Sheila v. Jordan?

Parent Trap

After weeks of talking about Connor’s (Judah Mackey) problems, Chelsea (Melissa Claire Egan) and Adam have finally decided to do something about it. Instead of getting Billy’s (Jason Thompson) input on something that isn’t his business, Chelsea and Adam are travelling to Connor’s school to see for themselves.

It could turn out to be much ado about nothing. Connor is kind of famous for blowing little things out of proportion and for assuming that everything is about him. Maybe they’ll see he’s doing it again. And tell the school to deal with it. What are they paying them for?

The Young and the Restless airs weekdays on CBS. For an in-depth look at the show’s history, click here.

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