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Soap Opera Vet Jason Thompson On Life Through His Son’s Eyes

Jason Thompson The Young and the RestlessJason Thompson

It’s been a dark time for our nation these past few days, and The Young and the Restless star Jason Thompson is finding some solace in the eyes of his 4-year-old son, Bowie Banjo.

Jason Thompson’s Touching Words

On his Instagram page, Thompson posted an adorable black and white video of his son eating a piece of fruit, seemingly with no cares in the world.

“Sometimes I stare at him as he stares off. I daydream about what he’s thinking. How beautiful it is,” Thompson wrote. “He doesn’t care what you look like. He doesn’t care where you’re from. He doesn’t care what god you believe in. He doesn’t know what god is. He knows how you make him feel. He knows kindness. He knows generosity. He knows what makes him laugh and what brings him joy. He knows pain. He knows loss. And that’s ok, that’s inescapable at any age. And in this moment, while staring out the window at the leaves on the tree, it’s pure.”

Thompson reveals that his son’s innocence is still intact but sadly knows that will change as he grows older.

“Slowly but surely that view will fade. For far too many people, that innocence is stolen from them. And for far too many people that thievery comes much to early in life. And for far too many people in this world it’s because of how they look or where they come from. It’s not fair,” the actor notes. “It makes me angry and it breaks my heart. There are so many things broken right now. We need to fix the broken thoughts first. Instead of arriving at moments with judgment, arrive with kindness. Give it grace. Start there. Maybe compassion will follow.”

Jason Thompson wishes for a world where discrimination doesn’t exist and is saddened by what he’s seeing our country go through.

“We as a society are so sick right now. We have got to get it right. Maybe for the 1st time ever. Why not now? Serious question, why not now?” he asks. “Don’t be scared. Be brave. Arrive at this moment with love and understanding.”



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Sometimes I stare at him as he stares off. I day dream about what he’s thinking. How beautiful it is. He doesn’t care what you look like. He doesn’t care where you’re from. He doesn’t care what god you believe in. He doesn’t know what god is. He knows how you make him feel. He knows kindness. He knows generosity. He knows what makes him laugh and what brings him joy. He knows pain. He knows loss. And that’s ok, thats inescapable at any age. And in this moment, while staring out the window at the leaves on the tree, it’s pure. The innocence in the world is still there. Slowly but surely that view will fade. For far to many people, that innocence is stolen from them. And for far to many people that thievery comes much to early in life. And for far to many people in this world it’s because of how they look or where they come from. It’s not fair! It makes me angry and it breaks my heart. There are so many things broken right now. We need to fix the broken thoughts first. Instead of arriving at moments with judgement, arrive with kindness. Give it grace. Start there. Maybe compassion will follow. You may feel something that opens you up and gives you understanding instead of shutting you down with sickness. Racism and discrimination makes us sick. It kills! We as a society are so sick right now. We have got to get it right. Maybe for the 1st time ever. Why not now? Serious question, why not now? Don’t be scared. Be brave. Arrive at this moment with love and understanding. #BlackLivesMatter #howcanihelp

A post shared by Jason Thompson (@myjasonthompson) on

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