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Trying Again: Will Billy Abbott Finally Succeed on Young and the Restless?

Can Jill Abbott’s son ever get it together?

young and the restless billy abbott is smiling as he looks ready to change his mindCan Billy Abbott succeed?

Billy Abbott just whined to Kyle about his sad Young and the Restless childhood and how his mommy ignored him. (His big brother, Phillip, would like Billy to hold his Jill-Neglect Beer.) That’s as good of an excuse as any for why Billy had never been able to succeed at any job ever.

Young and the Restless Polling

He screwed up working with Victoria. He screwed up working with Lily (Christel Khalil). He pulled the plug on his podcast when it no longer made him ecstatically happy every moment of every day. And now he’s possibly back to working at the family company. Will he actually not blow it, this time? Almost 2,000 viewers weighed in on this one!

Y&R: It’s All About Me

Because, this time, returning to Jabot was Billy’s (Jason Thompson) idea, 26% of the audience is optimistic that he won’t be throwing a temper tantrum within a few weeks of not being put on a pedestal. He may even begin to realize that no job is all sunshine and lollipops every second and that, sometimes, Prince Billy may need to suck it up, put his head down, and actually do some work instead of demanding the job accommodate him.

Young and the Restless: Grow Up, Billy Abbott

And an additional 34% of you would like to take it a step further and force Billy to face reality. A good 99.9% of the population doesn’t have the advantages he has. We can’t just quit a job because we’re mildly peeved and know we have enough money to live on until the next whim comes along. Maybe if he accepts that, he may be ready to work like a grownup.

Young & Restless: Grumpy Cat

Billy has never been happy, and Billy will never be happy, 39% are tired of pretending otherwise. He always blames his job, or the woman in his life, or his mother for his bratty behavior. No job, no woman, and no apology from Jill (Jess Walton) will make Billy content, because he is always looking outside of himself. Take a look inside, Billy Boy. We know you won’t like what you see — we certainly don’t — but it’s the only way you’ll ever succeed at…anything.

The Bold and the Beautiful airs weekdays on CBS. For an in-depth look at the show’s history, click here.

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