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Wyatt Spencer Tried To Get Liam To Stop Whining And Start Working

B&B recap for Monday, May 15, 2023: Different day, same issues.

the bold and the beautiful recap for monday, may 15, 2023, a bemused wyatt spencerWyatt Spencer has grown tired of listening to the same old, same old.

On today’s The Bold and the Beautiful episode, Wyatt Spencer begrudgingly forwent discussing business in order to listen to his brother bemoan recent events and traverse familiar territory.

Bold and the Beautiful Recap Highlights

In addition, Hope (Annika Noelle) got all hot and bothered under Thomas’s (Matthew Atkinson) touch, and Steffy (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) besmirched Hope. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what exactly happened.

Wyatt Spencer Would Love A Change Of Tune

In San Francisco, Hope and Thomas’s cuddle was interrupted by the trilling of the former’s cell phone. Good news, everyone [except for those of you who prefer your soap operas to have a bit of drama] — the mechanical errors have been attended to, and they can get up in the air as soon as Hope and Thomas get settled in.

Hope called Liam (Scott Clifton) with the update filling him with some hope [pun intended] and no doubt greatly reliving Steffy, who’d been forced yet again to tend to Liam’s ego and assure him that he had NOTHING to worry about where her brother and his wife were concerned [yes, the same exact convo that has been taking place since the beginning of the month].

READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on Bold and the Beautiful.

Once Steffy had taken her leave, Liam attempted to strategize with Wyatt, but his mind was elsewhere — a fact that Wyatt didn’t appreciate one little bit.

After threatening to force-feed his brother some red meat if he didn’t spill, Wyatt sweetened the pot by offering to provide Liam with the sage brotherly advice that he just knows Liam is ready and willing to receive [and maybe then they can get back to discussing their $80-million investment].

Is it about Hope and Thomas…again, wondered Wyatt. It was. Was it about Hope and Thomas spending late nights working on Hope For The Future…again?

Nope. “They’re not even in town. Thomas and my wife are in San Francisco together. Right. Now.” Wyatt granted Liam that this was a nightmare come to life. Hope trapped in the same city with the man who’d been obsessing over her for years and years.

Liam relayed Steffy’s unwavering belief in Thomas and his rehabilitation and how her protestations make him feel “even more alone.” [Awww…poor him]

B&B Recap: Helping Hands

On the Forrester jet [and somewhere between The Golden Gate City and Los Angeles], Hope complained of a crick in her neck, and Thomas took it upon himself to massage the discomfort away.

Hope approved…very much so. A little too much. But before she could really enjoy Thomas’s hands on her body, the captain announced that they were soon to arrive at their destination.

Bold and the Beautiful Recap: Blame Game

Meanwhile, Steffy returned home to Finn (Tanner Novlan), popped open a glass of red, puckered up, and…set about complaining about Liam’s complaining about Hope and Thomas and how Liam had proffered that if Hope ever crossed the line with Thomas, he’d never be able to forgive her.

What’s more, as far as Steffy’s concerned, “It’s not Thomas [Liam] should be concerned about. It’s Hope!” [And maybe she has a valid concern.]

The Bold and the Beautiful airs weekdays on CBS. For an in-depth look at the show’s history, click here.

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