The Bold and the Beautiful recap for Wednesday, August 14, 2019 features the Forresters and Logans rejoicing over Beth finally being reunited with her parents. Meanwhile, Thomas vented to his unsuspecting pal Vinnie over his current situation.
A Time To Rejoice
Ridge (Thorsten Kaye) and Brooke (Katherine Kelly Lang) filled Donna (Jennifer Gareis) and Katie (Heather Tom) in on Liam and Hope being reunited with their baby. Eric (John McCook) and Quinn (Rena Sofer) then showed up. Eric’s happy for Hope, but Quinn feels there has to be more to the story.
Beth’s Official Debut
The Forresters and Logans fawned over baby Beth as if they’re meeting her for the first time. They all called her Beth now (not Phoebe). Liam said the real hero was Douglas (Henry Joseph Samiri), who told everyone that his dad was mad at him.
Mother’s Instincts
Katie asked to hold Beth and welcomed her to the family officially. Brooke said she never thought she’d see Beth alive again. She bet that her late mother, Beth, little Beth’s namesake, was up in heaven watching them.
My Pal Vinnie
An agitated Thomas (Matthew Atkinson) slept at Vinnie’s (Joe LoCicero) apartment. Vinnie was unaware of how much trouble Thomas was in. Ridge called his son, but he refused to pick up. Thomas told Vinnie he didn’t need a lecture. Thomas snapped at Vinnie, who told his pal to keep his voice down.
Thomas The Tank (Top)
Thomas said he’d always love his son, but he’s not happy his kid stabbed him in the back. An unbalanced Thomas tried to convince himself that Hope would understand and that he could fix this and can re-win Hope’s heart, which of course, he never had in the first place! The Bold and the Beautiful airs weekdays on CBS. Check local listings for air times.

Video Credit: CBS
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