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Tanner Novlan Teases Shocking Bold and the Beautiful Twist For Finn And Luna

Tanner Novlan explained how he enjoys when the writers bring up things from Finn’s past, and didn’t rule out the possibility of being Luna’s bio dad.

The Bold and the Beautiful's Luna and Finn with the Soap Hub logo across the bottom.The Bold and the Beautiful's Tanner Novlan hinted that Finn and Luna may have an unknown connection.

Tanner Novlan’s Finn on The Bold and the Beautiful has struggled to keep his marriage to Steffy solid. Between his lethal mother Sheila, and the fact that Hope kissed him, he’s had a lot of ‘splaining to do. Novlan recently teased some juicy tidbits about Finn’s past and future that will have fans contemplating it strongly.

Finn’s Baggage Hasn’t Been Revealed

On the March 18 B&B episode, Li (Naomi Matsuda) pressed Finn to talk to Luna (Lisa Yamada) about her issues since she didn’t have a father and was very cagey about who her dad could have been. Fans inferred that perhaps Finn is Luna’s biological father. However, considering Novlan is 38 and assuming Finn is the same age, he would have been 18 when he fathered Luna. 

That’s not beyond the realm of possibility. The girl’s mom, Poppy (Romy Park), is his aunt — although by adoption, so there’s still a bit of an ick factor there. In an interview with Soap Opera Digest, he was asked if Finn fathering Luna could be part of his storyline. “You never know!” he excitedly responded, adding that Finn isn’t a legacy character with decades of backstory, so he’s not burdened by a ton of story baggage. 

MORE: Novlan spoke with Soap Hub, dishing some behind-the-scenes details.

Skeletons in Finn’s Closet?

Without the weight of decades of history, Novlan has enjoyed finding out various tidbits of Finn’s past as they appear in the stories. “I think that’s really fun to be able to explore his past life, and anytime they do that, we always find a treasure of riches,” he stated, adding, “I’m really grateful and excited for what writers come up for [him] constantly…for food in the future.”

While the whole “Who’s Luna’s father?” mess seems to have come to a head. The late Tom (Clint Howard) was declared as her bio-dad, but no DNA test proved that once and for all since the man was six feet under. Perhaps a young Finn had an affair with Poppy, and he doesn’t remember it? Li definitely seems like she knows more than she’s letting on, so we’ll just have to wait and see how things play out. (Find out the various contenders to be Luna’s pop.)

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