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Taylor Hayes Glows And Gloats About Her Golden Boy

B&B recap for Wednesday, May 10, 2023: Taylor talks up Thomas.

the bold and the beautiful recap for wednesday, may 10, 2023, taylor hayes standing opposite thomas.Taylor Hayes and Thomas.

On today’s The Bold and the Beautiful episode, Taylor Hayes takes some time out of her busy [?] schedule of seeing patients to check on — and praise — her wonderful son.

Bold and the Beautiful Recap Highlights

In addition, Wyatt (Darin Brooks) and Liam (Scott Clifton) managed to shame Brooke (Katherine Kelly Lang) while discussing business, and Hope (Annika Noelle) went to great pains to convince Steffy (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) — and herself — that she doesn’t have feelings for Thomas (Matthew Atkinson). Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what exactly happened.

Taylor Hayes Sings Her Son’s Praises

With a lull in between patients, Taylor (Krista Allen) popped over to Forrester Creations to check in with Thomas [read: interrupt his artistic flow] and take a nostalgic walk down “Tridge Lane.” Oh, the memories she has of wee Thomas munching on his peanut butter and jelly sandwiches while observing Ridge (Thorsten Kaye) hard at work on some design or another. Oh, what happy days those were.

Talk turned to Taylor’s concern that Thomas didn’t have much of a healthy social life — it’s all work, work, work for him, and that’s no good. Thomas insisted that he had his priorities straight, but then Taylor had to admit that *GASP* his inability to make time for anything and anyone but Hope For The Future and Hope led her to secretly watch the season finale of their show. Shock! Horror! The trauma!

READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on Bold and the Beautiful.

Speaking of Hope, Thomas once again reassured his mother that he was no longer obsessed with his boss, and Taylor reiterated her faith in Thomas and what he was saying. With that, mother and son exchanged “I lerve you’s” [insert eye-roll emoji] and parted company.

B&B Recap: Shame Squad

Elsewhere, Spencer Publications HQ, to be exact, Wyatt and Liam spent all of five minutes discussing business — Wyatt’s got this great idea for an app — before getting down to the real business at hand: grousing about “stupid face” Thomas.

Liam bemoaned how he spends his time attempting to anticipate Thomas’s next relapse given that there’s no earthly way that Thomas has actually recovered from his several breakdowns, and that he still can’t abide Hope working with the guy for 12 hours a day, five days a week, not to mention co-parenting Douglas (Henry Joseph Samiri).

The good news? Liam and Hope’s marriage is doing good. Really good. In fact, it would be going great if it weren’t for Thomas.

Oh, how Liam loves Hope. He can’t think of a more kind or compassionate woman. And oh, Hope’s integrity! That’s something to behold…and that’s something she most decidedly did not get from Brooke (Katherine Kelly Lang).

“The apple fell far from the tree,” declared Wyatt, who then back peddled ever so slightly. Wyatt and Liam then agreed that it’s tough to believe that the likes of Brooke Logan birthed Hope.

Bold and the Beautiful Recap: Onward And Upward

Back at Forrester Creations, this time in the CEO office, Steffy insisted on having yet another convo about catching Hope and Thomas holding hands.

Much like before, Hope swore that they’d merely been “caught up in a moment of excitement,” and Steffy again demanded that Hope tell her whether or not she has romantic feelings for Thomas.

Hope attempted to assure that she did not, none at all. It was Liam whom she loved. What’s more, things between her and Thomas are purely platonic and professional.

Steffy was pleased to hear it, and seemingly convinced. Good thing Hope’s “not following some of Brooke’s patterns.” Hope pulled her rival into a hug that was meant to put the issue to bed, but from the look on her face, it’s clear that this is far from over. [More’s the pity.]

The Bold and the Beautiful airs weekdays on CBS. For an in-depth look at the show’s history, click here.

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