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Ridge Forrester Second Guessed His Destiny

B&B recap for Wednesday, June 7, 2023: This, this is the day that Stephanie Forrester long longed for.

ridge forrester second-guessed a future with brooke Logan had to say in the bold and the beautiful recap for wednesday, june 7, 2023.Ridge Forrester wondered if he and Brooke Logan really belong together.

On today’s The Bold and the Beautiful episode, Ridge Forrester gives serious consideration to NOT reuniting with his beloved Logan.

Bold and the Beautiful Recap Highlights

In addition, Taylor (Krista Allen) bemoaned her recent doings, and Hope (Annika Noelle) and Thomas (Matthew Atkinson) decided to let the drama pass them by. Also, horror-upon-horror, their hands touched for the second time! Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what exactly happened.

Ridge Forrester Second Guessed His Destiny

At Forrester Creations, Brooke (Katherine Kelly Lang) derived pleasure from listening to Ridge (Thorsten Kaye) speak in Italian to an overseas contact. She didn’t even care that the phone call had interrupted their very important conversation about their future.

Once Ridge hung up and turned his attention back to her, Brooke cooed that in the [short, painfully short] time they’d been parted, she’s found happiness within herself. Now, she wants to share with him. “We’ve been apart too long, Ridge. It is time that I reunite with the love of my life.”

READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on Bold and the Beautiful.

Ridge, for his part, wasn’t entirely sure. He stressed that he approved of the idea in theory. He especially loved the idea of the two of them being alone together. However, he couldn’t help but wonder if they’re not putting themselves in a situation where they’ll have to once again apologize to one another.

“Do we have enough to make this work?” He queried. “To give it another shot? Or is it just something that we do because it’s easy? Because it’s a nice comfortable place to land? Because we’ve called this home for so long.”

What they do next will have repercussions. Serious repercussions. And, the last thing that he wants to do is hurt Brooke all over again. That, granted, he does want to be with her again. He does want to play with her again. But then, there’s their history. Hell, there’s also their present.

Ridge felt he used to have all the answers to everything, and now he knows nothing. He lives at his dad’s house. He’s lost. Brooke told him he wasn’t lost and that everyone feels lost sometimes. Could the whole thing about destiny be some word that some writer came up with because he didn’t know what to do with his characters at the end of the book?

Ridge admitted that he loves the life that they had together, the love that they had for each other, and the love that they have for their children. That’s eternal. That’s never going to go away.

But, Brooke wondered about the passion. She still feels it, and she knows that he does too. That’s not going anywhere. That’s going to be there no matter what. “I meant it when I said, ‘I need you. And you, big guy, need me.'”

B&B Recap: Wait and See

Elsewhere, the Cliff House, to be precise, a hoarse Taylor bid her daughter bring her something with honey to soothe her voice. Steffy (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) complied, inquired how Taylor was doing, and then questioned whether or not Taylor really wanted Ridge back.

When Taylor confessed that she indeed did, Steffy couldn’t help but be shocked. When Taylor inquired whether or not Steffy thought that she and Ridge could make each other happy, Steffy agreed that they were and are great together and have a special connection. That said, she’s staying well and truly out of it. This time she’s not going to push. She’ll support, but [shrug] “Who knows?”

What should Liam do about Hope's trip?

Bold and the Beautiful Recap: Simplistic Touch

Back at Forrester Creations, Hope barreled into the design office insisting that she and Thomas must speak…but he’d already heard about what his mom had done to Hope’s mom [Hope’s phrasing, not his]. What’s more, he doesn’t want to get involved with that. In fact, he’s pulling an RJ (Joshua Hoffman) and steering well clear of the drama.

Hope couldn’t help but agree. If nothing else, she doesn’t want “all that” to affect them and their work. Still, she can’t help but feel naive. Oh, how she truly believed that “Braylor’s” friendship was built to last. Thomas did too. Luckily, he’s not ready to give up on it just yet. If the past year has taught him anything, it’s that anything is possible.

But, enough about their feuding mothers. On to the subject of Liam (Scott Clifton). Is he alright with Thomas and Hope going to Rome…together? Hope waved away her husband’s concerns and resolved to deal with issues that she may have at home — at home.

Next, the dynamic duo poured over Thomas’s latest creation. It’s brilliant, of course. But, of course, Thomas wishes to make a change here and there. While attempting to assure a doubting Hope, Thomas placed his hand upon hers, and suddenly the world stopped turning, and all sound ceased save for her heartbeat.

The Bold and the Beautiful airs weekdays on CBS. For an in-depth look at the show’s history, click here.

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