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Carter Who? Dollar Bill’s Bravery Had Katie Logan Swooning

The B&B recap for Monday, April 3, 2023: Can you say, “Love triangle?”

the bold and the beautifu recap for monday, april 3, 2023, bill and katie logan kissingKatie Logan and Bill get reacquainted.

On today’s The Bold and the Beautiful episode, Katie Logan let Bill know exactly what she thought of his long con with the aid of her slapping hand and her lips!

Bold and the Beautiful Recap Highlights

In addition, Finn (Tanner Novlan) picked up his mother’s slack in the emergency room. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what exactly happened.

Katie Logan’s Head Is Turned By Bill’s Good Deed

The assemblage was incredulous. What, exactly, was Ridge (Thorsten Kaye) saying? He’d been in L.A. this whole time? He and Bill (Don Diamont) were — wait, what? — working together?! They hate each other!

“Yes, and we still hate each other, but we had a common goal. To get rid of Sheila. And we did it, because of Bill,” offered Ridge by way of explanation.

That led to yet more questions, delivered in a round-robin style. Wasn’t Bill “with” with Sheila? Wasn’t she living with him? Hadn’t Bill allowed her to endanger everyone? Didn’t he defend Sheila? Stand up for her? Was Bill not the one who alienated everyone who cared for him? Wasn’t it Bill who blackmailed Steffy (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) and Finn into silence and bribed a judge?

READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on Bold and the Beautiful.

And now Ridge is expecting the group to believe that Bill did all that to protect them? Yes, yes he does. “It was an act,” Ridge explained, adding, “It wasn’t what it seemed. We were working with the FBI and with Baker…there was a sting that Bill came up with to put Sheila away forever…he had to convince Sheila that this was real, so he had to convince all of you that it was real.”

What’s more, Ridge thinks of Bill as a hero! Yes, that’s right. A hero! But further explanation was warranted. Why didn’t the duo just leave well enough alone? Wouldn’t Steffy and Finn’s testimony against Sheila — for their attempted murder no less — have sufficed? Bill didn’t think so. He wanted Sheila to go down for life, and in order to ensure that, she needed to be tried for murder one.

Luckily, Bill’s wooing convinced Sheila to do just that. And they have her confession on tape. Not only that, but Sheila was formerly arrested.

That called for cheers and some serious eating of crow. One by one the Forresters and the Logans heaped profuse praise and apologies upon Bill and begged his pardon.

Ridge too was on the receiving end of congratulations and thanks and “I’m sorries.” After being corralled by Brooke (Katherine Kelly Lang) and Taylor (Krista Allen), Ridge playfully inquired as to whether or not his actions turned the ladies on before making comment on their continued friendship. He very much approves.

Later, Katie (Heather Tom) confronted her ex. Bill, mind you, not Ridge. To Bill, Katie delivered a stinging slap across the face and then a big sloppy kiss. Finally pulling away, she termed him maddening and frustrating and granted that there was no other man like him. “This is why I left you, Bill. But it’s also why I love you.”

Who really needs to be seen in L.A. right now?

B&B Recap: Mama Drama

While Li (Naomi Matsuda) stood around like a bump on a log and Steffy cowered wide-eyed in a corner, Finn stepped up to the plate and resuscitated Sheila not once but twice. Sheila soon came round, opened her peepers, and, having taken in the scene, declared that her son did indeed love her.

That infuriated Li to no end…almost as much as the life-saving measures that Finn employed. Luckily, Steffy didn’t blame him.

Taking her leave of the husband and wife, Li slunk back into Sheila’s room, rudely brought her back to consciousness, and hissed, “My son may have saved you, but you’re going to rot in prison, Sheila. Then you’re going to rot in Hell.”

The Bold and the Beautiful airs weekdays on CBS. For an in-depth look at the show’s history, click here.

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