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Brooke Logan Demands Taylor Gets Her Nosy Daughter In Line

B&B recap for Tuesday, May 30, 2023: Looks like it’s going to be the children, rather than a man, that tears this friendship asunder.

brooke logan had it out with taylor in bold and the beautiful recap for thursday, may, 2023.Brooke Logan cried to Taylor Hayes about her gossipy daughter.

On today’s The Bold and the Beautiful episode, Brooke Logan got fed up with the antics of her besties’ offspring.

Bold and the Beautiful Recap Highlights

In addition, Taylor (Krista Allen) and Ridge (Thorsten Kaye) got a little too close for comfort, and Hope (Annika Noelle) got as honest as we’ve seen her in quite some time. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what exactly happened.

Brooke Logan Is Tested Like Never Before

At Forrester Creations, Hope huffed and puffed, and no doubt wished she could blow Steffy’s (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) house of glass down.

How dare her rival speak with Liam (Scott Clifton) and insinuate, nay, flat out tell him that she has feelings for another man — and Thomas (Matthew Atkinson) of all the possible choices?!

READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on Bold and the Beautiful.

Steffy defended her actions but insisted that she wasn’t purposefully trying to sabotage Hope and Liam’s marriage. Hope disagreed strenuously. Steffy didn’t much care.

Hope insisted that she was fully committed to her husband, and Steffy, in turn, hissed that there shouldn’t be a problem then, “Right?”

Exit Steffy, enter Brooke (Katherine Kelly Lang). After Mommy inquired as to her mood, Hope groused that Steffy was up to her old tricks again, namely, causing problems for Hope and her marriage.

An incredulous Brooke wondered what would prompt Steffy to return to her mean girl ways after all this time, and Hope exaggeratedly explained the scene that Steffy “misconstrued.” In response, Brooke [once again] asked if there was any validity to what Steffy said. “Have you developed feelings for Thomas?”

Hope swore that she hadn’t, but she did grant that Thomas was good-looking…and funny…and they have been spending 10-14 hour days together. Also, isn’t it normal for people to have “thoughts and desires” about others and for it to be totally okay as long as you don’t act on them?

When Brooke reacted in abject horror [literally recoiling a hair or two], Hope recovered by assuring that she wouldn’t cross any lines because she was in control of herself. Her relationship with Liam means everything to her, and she’s not going to let anything, including her own self, destroy that. “Liam is the love of my life.”

B&B Recap: Truth Or Consequences

Across the hallway, but before Charlie (Dick Christie) and his broken French and Steffy both interrupt them, Taylor and Ridge inched closer and closer to a kiss before the former pulled away.

Ridge teased that almost-kiss was the most action he’d gotten since Brooke and Taylor both put him “in a time out,” and Taylor, instead of laughing, seemed to rue that very pact. In fact, she did her utmost to get Ridge to give her a reason, any reason to go back on it [and he had quite a few considering the smooch Brooke planted on him at Christmas and the show she put on for him at her abode a few months later]. Sadly, no dice.

After Charlie bid the gang adieu, Steffy relayed her contentious convo with Hope and her discussion with Liam that had precipitated it. Taylor and Ridge both assured their daughter that she hadn’t done anything wrong. And, of course, she’s not trying to be a fourth wheel in someone else’s marriage. Perish the thought.

Do you want to see Sheila/Phyllis resolved?

Bold and the Beautiful Recap: Brooke Unleashes On Taylor

Despite having no appointment or a horse in this particular race, Brooke took it upon herself to rush to Taylor’s office and demand that Taylor insist that Steffy take back every word that she said to Liam. “My daughter has a family, a family that she loves very much, and I sure as Hell am not going to let your daughter step in between Hope and Liam!”

The Bold and the Beautiful airs weekdays on CBS. For an in-depth look at the show’s history, click here.

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