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B&B Recap: Steffy Hightails It Out Of Town With The Children In Tow

And Finn Finnegan and Liam Spencer are just A-Okay with not seeing their offspring for the foreseeable future.

steffy forrester finnegan decided to leave on the bold and the beautiful recap for thursday, september 7, 2023.Steffy Forrester Finnegan told Finn...and Liam she was taking the kids and leaving.

In The Bold and the Beautiful recap for September 7, 2023, Steffy decides to get (out of LA) while the getting is good, her husband and marriage be damned.

Bold and the Beautiful Recap Highlights

In addition, Sheila gets firmly behind Team Steam, and Liam (Scott Clifton) gets a metaphorical kick in the face (and not the actual one that he deserves). Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what exactly happened.

B&B Recap: Fun While It Lasted

Unable to self-soothe after her fiery confrontation with Sheila (Kimberlin Brown), Steffy (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) blubbered to Finn (Tanner Novlan) that she couldn’t “do this” anymore.

Sheila will always be in their lives and always be a threat to their safety. And as much as she loves Finn, she needs to leave. She has to do whatever it takes to protect Kelly and Hayes. What’s more, she’s not merely returning to Eric’s (John McCook) palatial abode. She’s heading out of the country. To Rome, to be specific.

READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on Bold and the Beautiful.

And she’s sorry, she’s really, really sorry that it’s come to this, but she’s tired. Sick and tired. And scared. And sick and tired of being scared. Finn promised that he’d keep her and the kids safe, but Steffy insisted that wouldn’t be enough.

As for Finn’s suggestion that he join them on their sojourn…not gonna happen. Sheila would just follow him, and then they’d be right back to where they started.

After ruefully observing that he’s “trapped,” Finn implored Steffy to continue to fight to find a way to keep their love alive, even when there’s distance between them. They’ve found their way back to each other once before. They’ll surely do it again. And Sheila won’t be a threat forever. He’ll see to that. (Dun, dun, dun!)

The Bold and the Beautiful Recap: Choosing Sides

Much to Deacon’s (Sean Kanan) chagrin, Sheila burst through his door and complained about Steffy and how she’d treated her so poorly, how she’d played a whiny victim and demanded that Finn cut her out of his life once and for all. Her! His own mother! Why won’t that woman give her the benefit of the doubt? Why isn’t she grateful that she (Sheil) saved Kelly’s life?

Sheila then observed that things would be so much different without Steffy in the picture — but have no fear. She doesn’t intend to bring harm to her daughter-in-law. No, Sheila’s pretty certain that things will work themselves out, and the outcome will be Steffy reuniting with Liam (Scott Clifton). Deacon, for his part, blanched at the very thought.

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B&B Recap: Man Of The Year

Having been called out yet again for wanting to put the moves on Steffy during her estrangement from Finn, Liam yet again denied the charges. He doesn’t wish Finn ill. He doesn’t want Steffy’s marriage to implode. But, he does love her. And, he’s determined to protect his ex and the kids.

To prove that, when Steffy rushes in and declares that she’s packing everybody up (sans her husband, of course) and heading to Rome, he doesn’t put up a bit of a fight. In fact, he happily declares he’ll come for visits.

The Bold and the Beautiful airs weekdays on CBS. For an in-depth look at the show’s history, click here.

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