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B&B Recap: Finn Delivers All The Hot Gossip To His Mom

Li Finnegan was floored to hear what “Puke” Spencer had been up to.

li finnegan heard the full truth from finn on the bold and the beautiful recap for friday, august 8, 2023.Li Finnegan heard some shockers.

In The Bold and the Beautiful recap for September 8, 2023, Finn called the mother he very nearly threw over for Sheila Carter and complained about the way his life is going.

Bold and the Beautiful Recap Highlights

In addition, Liam crooned the same song he’d been singing for months on end, and RJ resolved to make his granddad’s wishes come true. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what exactly happened.

B&B Recap: Mother’s Daze

With nothing better to do (and apparently not on call for the first time since he returned from the dead) Finn (Tanner Novlan) welcomed his mother to the eerily quiet abode he once called his and Steffy’s (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) home.

Li (Naomi Matsuda) was at a loss. She just couldn’t believe that Steffy had packed herself and the kids up and moved to Rome. Well, actually, she totally could believe it. In fact, she totally understood why her daughter-in-law did what she did. Li would have done the same, what with that Sheila (Kimberlin Brown) out and about causing trouble.

READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on Bold and the Beautiful.

Finn groused to Li that he didn’t plan on letting anything come between him and his wife (um…isn’t it a little late, pal?) — not Sheila and ESPECIALLY not Liam (Scott Clifton).

Li practically blew a gasket when Finn told her all the ways that Liam had interfered in his marriage. Who does he think he is? Does he have no honor? No sense of decency? And to throw his and Steffy’s history up in Finn’s face…unforgivable!

The Bold and the Beautiful Recap: Show And Tell

At Spencer Publications, Bill (Don Diamont) made sure to give his sons a hard time before revealing how proud he was of them for keeping the ship afloat while he was floating around on his ship. In fact, they did such a good job that he might start taking extended vacations more often.

That out of the way, the conversation was steered to Liam’s love life. Any hope of him reconciling with Hope (Annika Noelle)? No, none.

Thanks to snide, not-so-sly comments from Wyatt (Darin Brooks), Liam found himself forced to admit to Bill that he was still very much in love with Steffy and desperate for the chance to reunite with her.

What will Finn do about his marriage?

B&B Recap: Plan Of Action

Meanwhile, at Forrester Creations, RJ (Joshua Hoffman) was apprised of Steffy’s escape to Europe. After giving his sister’s situation some lip service, RJ then turned his attention to trying to convince Ridge (Thorsten Kaye) to join Eric (John McCook) in designing his legacy line. Once again, Ridge dropped the ball and was disappointed. For her part, Brooke (Katherine Kelly Lang) cooed how sweet it was that RJ cared so much for his grandpa’s well-being.

Off that nowhere convo, RJ headed for the Forrester mansion, where he found Eric struggling to commit his ideas to sketch paper. Realizing that Gramps was about to throw in the towel, RJ gave him a pep talk.

He might not be able to draw, but he can still walk and talk, play piano, and down martinis. This collection is Eric’s Mount Everest, and RJ is perfectly willing to be his sherpa. He just has to want it enough to begin the ascent. And Eric wants it. He really, really wants it.

The Bold and the Beautiful airs weekdays on CBS. For an in-depth look at the show’s history, click here.

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